Intense vitality

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I wake up on his chest, both of us still naked. I shiver slightly due to the lack of cover and Satoru, who's already awake, notices this. He pulls the duvet around me, creating a safe, protective sanctuary for the both of us. I run my hand up and down his chest as I feel his gaze on me and I look up to meet it. He watches me with what feels like sincere love and admiration and he moves a piece of hair resting on my shoulder backwards (my favourite habit of his) before pulling my chin gently upwards. He captures my lips in a gentle kiss.

I drift back asleep for another few minutes before we're both woken back up by his alarm. I jump up realising it's a work day, causing him to laugh at my urgency. We decide to shower together to... save water and time, or at least that's how we justify it to one another. He helps me wash my hair and I do the same for his as he moans softly at my professional grade scalp massage.

We both get out and dry ourselves off before getting dressed and moving into the kitchen to eat breakfast together. Satoru makes us pancakes like he did a few weeks ago. That was one of the first days I stayed at his. Now it feels as if all of the pieces of my life have slowly fallen back into place after years of disarray. Pancakes finished, I debate on bringing my katana into school to show the students as an example of cursed weapon usage, but decide against it considering my technique is already a lot for them to wrap their heads around.

We make our way down to the garage and to his car where he then drives us both to work. I look out the window peacefully on the way, watching the early morning bustle of Tokyo begin. We eventually reach Jujutsu tech and I step out of Satoru's car as the fresh morning air hits my senses. We begin our ascent of the school's steps, eventually reaching the main walkway into Jujutsu tech.

Satoru grabs my hand as we walk forwards and I notice that I don't think he's had his infinity on when he's been with me for the past few days. I smile to myself at the level of trust that's been developed between us as we continue our walk, hand in hand. The tranquility doesn't last long though, as I feel something pinch my the left side of my back. I look down at my abdomen confused, only to see something almost protruding from my stomach.

I reach down to touch the object and it's hard, almost like some kind of... shard? It's a shard of manipulated blood. As soon as I come to my senses and realise what's happened, searing pain is realised within me at the site of the wound. I turn to Satoru and I he's looking down at himself, our hands still interconnected between us. I don't want to. I don't want to look at what he's looking at. I feel my eyes begin to well up at even just the thought of what could have happened to him.

I have to drag my eyes down from his face to his shoulder, where he's been hurt too. He looks practically in shock and I wrench my hand out of his, screaming at him to turn his infinity on to protect himself. Before he can even do that, another two shards fly towards us, one of them hitting him in his arm and the second hitting me in my shoulder.

I push him aside as he returns from his state of shock to reality and I sense him finally turn his infinity on. Now I know at least one of us will make it through this. He shoots me a worried look, but I'm now focused on the assailant behind us. I turn around to see Hana standing at the stop of the steps we had just ascended, surrounded by hardened blood spears. I crouch down slowly to not cause alarm to her, putting my hand to the ground and summoning the katana which I wrongly decided not to bring into work with me today.

I close my eyes momentarily, hoping that it appears in my hand in the next few seconds, as without it, this will be a whole lot more difficult. I turn to Satoru to see him holding his shoulder with worry, it looks like he's lost a reasonable amount of blood. It makes me wonder if this is the first time he's been this badly wounded since the star plasma vessel incident. I look back down to my hand and see the blade has now appeared and relief courses through my system as I rise from the ground.

𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 | Fem reader x Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now