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I await the contact of his fist with my face. Thump. I hear Satoru's hand hit the wall behind me instead. Opening one eye tentatively, I see he's towering over me with his hand against the wall, encaging me as we both pant heavily. His eyes come to meet mine and I swallow deeply. There's something in his look... it resembles who he was when he showed up to my apartment drunk that time, except this time, he's definitely not drunk. This time, we're both completely sober and about to do something we will inevitably regret in the future.

His eyes dart from my eyes to my lips, and with each heavy, laboured, breath he inches closer towards me. His free hand trails up my left arm, causing goosebumps to appear (despite the hot panting mess we both are) and it finally reaches my shoulder as he pushes a rogue strand of hair back behind me. His hand continues up and behind my neck, pulling me closer to him. My body arches against his as a reflex, allowing me to fit into him like a missing puzzle piece.

His grip on the back of my neck tightens as if he's trying to control himself and I see his eyes are heavy with want. I run my hands up his chest and behind his neck, pulling him down towards me, trying to get our bodies as close as possible to one another in an attempt to savour the moment. I hear the sound of a door opening and attempt to ignore it, attempt to remain ignorant to the fact that this perfect moment has been broken, but I can't. Satoru closes his eyes and furrows his brow, slamming his hand against the wall behind me in frustration before turning around.

"What?!" He shouts in the direction of the intruder.

I peer behind him to see a very confused cleaning lady standing in the doorway to the room. She's holding a mop and bucket and looks extremely bewildered, so much so that I can't help but let out a laugh. Satoru groans in frustration and I move away from him.

"Sorry, I can come back later if you want?" The lady says apologetically.

"No, no, it's fine don't worry. We were just finishing up anyway." I reassure her as I begin to pack my bag. Satoru still seems to be in shock as he stands ponderously by the mirrored wall. "Weren't we Satoru?" I ask him, breaking his trance like state as he then goes to pack his bag too.

"Yes, yes, we were." He replies mournfully.

I give my thanks to the cleaning lady before we leave and Satoru does too at my request considering how rude he was to her earlier. We arrive at his car and I become terribly aware of how tired I am now that the energy drink I had earlier has worn off. I slip into sleep whilst Satoru drives and the next thing I know I'm being carried by him in the elevator.

He sees me begin to wake in his arms and smiles at me.

"I didn't want to wake you."

I reply with a sleepy "Hmm" before curling back into his embrace and falling into the depths of sleep once again. God I wish I would have drunk that second energy drink.

I'm woken up by streams of light falling through the curtain onto my face and I move slightly so they're no longer hitting my eyes directly. After about 15 more minutes of resting, I reach for my phone that's on the nightstand and see a message.

From Satoru:
Had to head off early for some business, see you later.

I wonder what kind of business it could be before putting my phone to rest back on the table. Dragging myself out of bed and into the shower, my mind flips back to yesterday evening. I remember the way he looked at me and how close we were to kissing. It would have been our first time doing something like that sober since I've been back. I feel like if it had have happened then, it could have confirmed my suspicions about how I feel about him, and how he feels about me. My mind also flips back to his phone call, the date he cancelled.

𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 | Fem reader x Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now