All in?

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I wake to find Satoru standing at the bedroom window, looking out over the city. I prop myself up on my elbow and he turns around after hearing the rustle of the bedsheets.

"You're awake." He comments with a smile as he comes back to the bed to join me. I check the clock on the wall and see it's around 12:00.

"I can't believe I slept in so late..." I say, annoyed at the fact that I've wasted almost half a day with him. He leans over and kisses me on the cheek.

"I've booked us reservations at my favourite restaurant here for dinner." He says proudly, I can tell he's eager to show me his favourite spot and it makes me happy that he enjoys sharing things like that with me.

"Thank you." I say before returning the kiss on his lips. I look down at myself and realise I'm still naked and slip on the towel robe that's lying on the edge of the bed. "I'm going to need to get changed though." I laugh as I gesture to my current clothing situation and slide off of the bed.

"I'll walk round with you to your hotel." Satoru says and I begin to move through to the living room with him following behind. I suddenly remember that I left my only set of clothes in a soggy pile on the ground last night and I dread to think of the state they will be in today. I reach the spot that I left them in, only to see that they're no longer there. Putting my hands on my hips and looking around confused, I hear Satoru laugh from behind me.

"Okay, enough is enough. I know you like it when I'm not wearing anything, but where did you put my clothes?" I ask him. He continues to laugh and points to the far side of the room where I see both my top and trousers hanging on a clothes drying rack.

"I hung them out for you last night so you had something to wear today." He says simply and I walk over to them. Even the small gestures that Satoru makes like this cause my heart to flutter. I glance back at him over my shoulder.

"Thank you." I say as I begin to remove the (now dry) clothes from the rack and slip them on. Before we leave his apartment I remember there was something I had to tell him. "By the way, Shoko wants you to buy her a new laptop."

"What? Why?" He responds confused.

"She's complaining that my 'finding Satoru' efforts using it made the CPU wear out or something? I don't know... but she wants a 2023 MacBook Pro in space grey to be precise." I tell him as he holds the door open for me and scoffs at her excessive request.

My hair's still very messy from the rain last night, so I throw it up into a claw clip as we walk down the corridor together and to the elevator. We watch the doors slide shut in front of us as I press the button for the ground floor. Satoru's hand rests as the nape of my neck as he caresses it gently, causing me to look up at him.

"You should wear your hear like this more often." He says as he smiles down at me softly, causing my cheeks to heat up as he does so.

"I'll wear it up tonight." I respond happily as the elevator doors slide open in front of us. We traverse the lobby, reaching the large glass doors and the doorman smiles at us as we leave. We walk through the streets of Monaco and towards my hotel as it finally comes into view.

"The Hotel de Paris?" Satoru says, almost surprised at where I'm staying. "And you call me excessive..."

I hit his chest lightly. "Says the one with a penthouse."


We reach the doors of the lobby and pause outside as Satoru grabs my hand. "I'll be here to pick you up at seven." He says as he pulls me towards him, kissing me lightly on the lips. He turns around, slipping his hands into his pockets as he begins to walk away and I watch him travel down the street into the distance before I enter my hotel lobby.

𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 | Fem reader x Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now