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Feyre had no idea why she was called to meet Rhaenyra in her chambers. She only knew that the messenger said it was urgent. Feyre arrived at the Princess's chambers and nodded at the knight standing guard. He bowed and opened the door for her. Feyre walked into the room and saw Rhaenyra laying face down on her floor.

"Rhaenyra?" Feyre rushed to her side, "Are you alright?"

Rhaenyra mumbled something that Feyre couldn't hear, "I'm sorry?"

Rhaenyra lifted her head up, "My father is displacing Daemon and had has named me his heir."

"...wow," Feyre slumped down, "That is quite a lot."

"It is!" Rhaenyra climbed into Feyre's lap, "Do you think I would be a good Queen?"

"I think you will be the greatest Queen Westeros will ever know," Feyre gave her honest opinion as she ran her fingers through the Princess's silver locks, "Do you want to be Queen?"

"I want us to run away together," Rhaenyra whispered, "That's what I really want."

Feyre felt her heart tug at the words. In truth, that's what she wanted as well. To live with Rhaenyra, far away from home, and where they could love each other. She knew that's not how the world works.

"That sounds like a dream," Feyre sighs.

Rhaenyra looked at Feyre, a plan in her eyes, "It doesn't have to be a dream! We could do it. We'll pack our things and sneak away in the night. We'll take a boat and we could go anywhere you want."

"Rhaenyra..." Feyre shook her head, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and longing.

"Please, Feyre," Rhaenyra pleaded, "Please."

Feyre caressed Rhaenyra's cheek, "Your father would miss you."

Rhaenyra let out a sigh of frustration, "No, he would not! He has not once been to see me in weeks, and the only time he has it was to tell me that he wants me to rule seven whole kingdoms. He only wishes to keep the Targaryens in power."

"You have your father all wrong, Rhaenyra," Feyre stated loudly, "Do you think that you were the only one to lose your mother? Your father had to sacrifice the love of his life and lose both her and his child all in one day. Viserys is grieving as much as you are and he loves you, more than you know."

Rhaenyra stayed silent, only staring up at Feyre, shocked at her authority. Feyre never talked liked this to anyone.

Feyre took Rhaenyra's silence as permission to continue, "If your father wishes to name you his heir that means he thinks you are capable. It means he wants you to rule Westeros."

"What if the people do not want me on the Iron Throne?" Rhaenyra sounded so small that it made Feyre's heart hurt more.

Feyre used her finger to lift Rhaenyra's head, "Fuck the people."

Rhaenyra laughed and buried her face in Feyre's skirt. The Princess looked up the girl and the way the candlelight danced on Feyre's face made Rhaenyra fall in love again.

Rhaenyra glanced at Feyre's neck and saw the necklace, "Where'd you get this trinket?"

Feyre looked at her friend in confusion before remembering the gem hanging around her neck, "Oh, it was a gift from your uncle; a late Name Day gift, he told me. Do you like it?"

"It suits you," Rhaenyra didn't know why, but even the thought of her Feyre receiving such an extravagant gift from her uncle made her stomach turn, "He doesn't really give gifts to anyone."

Feyre shrugged, "Who knows with Daemon."

Rhaenyra nodded in agreement, but she still felt weird about the whole thing. What was Daemon up to?

Feyre knew that her family had expected her to stand with them in the throne room, but, as the Realm's Mage, it was expected that she stay near the royal family, for their protection.

She watched as Rhaenyra stood in front of every lord in the seven kingdoms, waiting for them to pledge their fealty to her.

Rickon was the last lord to kneel, and he did so reluctantly, "I, Rickon Stark, Lord of Winterfell, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new."

And with that, King Viserys stood from the Iron Throne and a maester wrapped a gold medallion around her neck, "I, Viserys Targaryen, first of his name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, do hereby name Rhaenyra Targaryen Princess of Dragonstone and and heir to the Iron Throne."

We all bowed our heads to the new heir and Rhaenyra turned to face everyone.Westeros would soon have their new Queen.


A small feast was held in honor of Rhaenyra, and many took it as an opportunity to distract themselves from the obvious tension floating around the room.
Rhaenyra knew that the people would be reluctant to accept her as the heir, but she didn't think people would actually avoid talking with her.

The Princess searched the throne room for the only person who could bring her any solace. She spotted Feyre sitting with Alicent and eating. Rhaenyra quickly walked towards them and placed herself between the two girls.

Feyre jumped at the sudden presence, "Rhaenyra, shouldn't you be mingling with your subjects?"

"Oh, please," Rhaenyra rolled her eyes, "I think your uncle would keel over if I even breathed in his direction."

"I'd honestly love to see that," Feyre looked around the room, "I'm quite surprised Prince Daemon had not graced us with his company yet."

"Did you honestly think he would want to spend anytime with his brother?" Alicent asked, "The King displaced him."

"Still," Feyre sighed as she fiddled with her necklace, "It would be very entertaining."

Rhaenyra glanced at the necklace adorning Feyre's neck. She was very confused about what had happened between her uncle and Feyre. It certainly was enough to make Feyre, who used to hate the mention of Daemon, want him at a feast celebrating the girl who stole his crown.


On the other side of King's Landing, Prince Daemon was saddling Caraxes in the Dragon Pit. By his side was Mysaria, who was dressed in white.

"Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Mysaria asked, looking at the dragon in fear.

"You can stay here if you'd like, my lady," Daemon said, "I will not force you to come."
Mysaria sighed and narrowed her eyes at the pouch on the Prince's arm, "You know that you are putting both yourself and I at risk by taking that, right?"

Daemon smirked at her, "Quite frankly, I do not care. Besides, this is only just to mess with my dear brother. I haven't had a bit of fun in a while."

What the Prince didn't know was that his actions were going to have major consequences.

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