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"Again, Aemma."

Aemma Tyrell let out a grunt of frustration as she put all of her focus on the book in her mother's hands.

"I cannot do it," She shook her head as she glared at the item, "Maybe I am not magic?"

"Keep trying, my love," Feyre encouraged her, "Clear your mind of all your doubts."

Aemma rolled her eyes, but took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She cleared her mind until all that was left was just the image of the book. She focused on it and soon felt the rush of magic traveling through her veins. It felt...odd. Aemma wondered if this was how her mother felt when she first channeled her magic.

"Aemma," She heard Feyre whisper, "Look."

She opened her eyes to see that she had not only made the one book float, but her mother as well.

"Shit," Aemma breathed out as she watched her mother fly.

"Amazing!" Feyre laughed, "You did so well, darling!"

Aemma felt a swell of pride at her mother's praise, but jumped in surprise when she heard clapping behind her. She turned around to see Rhaenyra watching them from the doorway, a smile on her face.

"I told you that you could do it," Rhaenyra chuckled as she walked closer, looking at Feyre in amusement, "Let your mother down before she tries to fly down the halls and scare the servants."

Feyre let out an 'oof' as she fell to the ground, "I would be a terrifying spectre, my love; you are just jealous that you need a dragon to fly."

Rhaenyra scoffed as she helped her lover to her feet, "Jealous? Me? Never!"

Aemma smiled as she watched her mothers bicker. She loved how peaceful things were for her family in Dragonstone. Her mothers could love freely in the comfort of their own castle, and her brothers do not have to endure any insults thrown their way.

"As much as I hate to interrupt this lovely moment," Aemma walked towards the door, "I am going to be in the library with Rhaena."

Feyre looked at her daughter and nodded, "Alright, darling; we'll work on more tomorrow."

"Love you both," Aemma bid them goodbye and made her way out of her mothers' room.

Aemma walked down the hallway, admiring the paintings that lined the walls. She slowed down as she approached the doors to the library: her favorite place in the castle.

She entered the giant room and was met with a calming silence. Maesters were busy looking over ancient texts while muttering amongst themselves. Aemma spotted her sister leaning over a table, her focus on w book.

Aemma sneakily made her way to Rhaena's side and tickled her side, "What you reading?"

Rhaena jumped, letting out a squeak. Her heartbeat was fast as she caught sight of her sister belly-laughing. They were soon shushed by nearby maesters.

"Gods above, Aemma," Rhaena whispered ass she hit her sister's arm, "Are you trying to kill me?"

Aemma was wiping tears from her eyes, "You should have seen your face, Rhae."

"You better behave before I let mother and father know," Rhaena threatened her.

"Lighten up, Lady Rhaena," Aemma teased, but sat down nonetheless, more afraid of her parents, "What are you reading?"

"Ode to Visenya," Rhaena held up the leather-bound book, "It's a collection of poems written by admirers of the conqueror, Queen Visenya. It is quite interesting."

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