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Lady Rhea Royce loved it when her husband was gone. She could ride out
on her horse all day long and not have to come home to his stupid face. She was out riding when she spotted her cousin, Gerold Royce, outside of Runestone.

"Good morrow, Lady Rhea," Gerold greeted her.


"What's today's quarry?" He looked down at the pack attached to her saddle, "Rabbit?"

"Deer," Rhea told him.

Gerold nodded, impressed, "Fine challenge. Care for some company?"

"I'd rather ride alone," Rhea told her cousin, gazing at the rolling green hills.

Gerold smiled as Rhea rode off, "Good fortune to you."

Rhea felt the wind in her hair as she rode her horse far away from Runestone. She felt comfort in the sounds of nature that blessed her ears. Yes, her life was better when her husband was not around.

When she decided that she had had enough riding for one day, she began to make her way home. She whistled at her horse and motioned for him to turn back. Just as Runestone came into view, Rhea's path home was blocked by a hooded figure.

Her guard come up as the figure stepped closer, "Husband."

Daemon stopped, but never took his hood off, "Hello, wife."

"What brings you to the Vale?" Rhea narrowed her eyes as she looked him up and down, "Or have you at last come to consummate our marriage?"

Daemon only laughs, making Rhea grow irritated, "The Vale's sheep might be willing, even if I'm not. Our sheep are prettier, after all."

"Worry not, wife, that is not why I am here," Daemon sneered, "I've come to relieve us of this gross misalliance."

Confusion filled Rhea, "What are you playing at, Daemon?"

"I have been banished from King's Landing by my brother," Daemon told her as he stroked her horse's nose, "I only agreed to leave willingly if he annulled our pathetic excuse for a marriage."

Rhea couldn't believe her ears, "And the King agreed to this?"

Daemon held up a scroll with the King's seal stamped on it, "I've brought this to give to your father and get the hell out of the Vale as quickly as I can."

Rhea felt like she could breathe properly for the first time in years. Finally, she would be free of Daemon Targaryen and his craven ways. Finally, she could rule Runestone by herself.

"Well, then," Rhea cleared her throat and nudged her horse with her foot, "Let's not waste any time."


Feyre wanted to set her husband on fire. King Viserys, his new Hand, Lord Lyonel Strong, and Rhaenyra left for Driftmark days ago to discuss the betrothal between Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon, leaving Feyre to spend time with Silas.

She now had to sit through Silas rambling on to Alicent about how he named every sword in his collection. Feyre looked over at Alicent, only to see her friend faking a smile for Silas. It's been a hard time for her lately. She had to say goodbye to her father just this morning, as King Viserys had taken Otto Hightower's position as Hand away, and banished him to Oldtown. Feyre could only imagine how her friend might be feeling.

"And my favorite sword, Your Grace," Silas' voice broke through Feyre's thoughts, "Is called Winter Rose, after my dear lady wife."

"Bullshit," Feyre thought, but plastered a fake smile nonetheless, "You honor me, husband."

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