Chapter fifteen: Time To Face The Enemy

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Stage One Act Three: Truly An Assault

Two hours had gone by and Atresha had showed back up.

"Good, you're here," she said to Thadass.

"Where else would I be?" Thadass replied.

"Darshnel is not far away," Thadass said as she pointed behind a book case.

Darshnel came around the corner holding a book.

"So when were you ever interested in reading?" Thadass said as she gets up from her seat.

Darshnel shrugged his shoulders.

"Ever since they made a machine that writes the book you would have written yourself. It's a bit of a trip," Darshnel said as he put the book into his jacket pocket.

As he said this, Trina and Skalesha walk up the stairs, each holding an ice cream cone. "So, are we ready to do this?" Trina said, eating the last of her cone.

The group looked at each other.

"Well, there's no time like the present," Atresha said half-heartedly.

This seemed to cheer everyone up as Atresha seemed to be pouring out confidence.

"Well, let's go then," She said, heading in the direction of the door.

The guards seemed to notice the group of people coming their direction. An angel got up and stop right in front of Atresha.

"Sorry, but this part of the library is off limits," he said as he points to a sign.

"Sorry, but I don't have time for this; maybe in another life, though, okay?" As Atresha said this, the guards get confused, and Atresha took the opportunity to toss the guard through the glass sign, making sure to hit as many guards as possible. As the guards finally figure out what's going on, the group had already taken down many of them.

One of the two remaining guards hit an alarm, and the other started throwing lightning bolts. Darshnel quickly summoned a giant shadow hand out of the floor and it crushed the guards into the wall. As the six regroup, they could hear more guards on their way. Trina reached the door and as she does this, a white light makes everything vanish and dissolve into an endless blank of white.

"What just happened?" Trina said, standing in an alerted state.

As she looked around, she knew she wasn't in a library.

"What happened to Atresha, Darshnel, and Thadass?" Skalesha said, hoping they were around.

As Trina looked back, she could see that everyone but Skalesha was gone. She looked confused, but not for long. "It's a trap,"she said as she scrambled to look for the exit.

The sky opened up and a huge flying platform descended to the ground. A black man stood on it and he held a gavel.

"Wow, you two actually made it. I'm impressed. So why don't you have a seat?" The black man said as a couch appeared.

"No thanks, we have something to do," she said as they run off.

As they ran, they bump into the black man again.

"Where are you going, I asked?" He said.

Trina suddenly stopped and realized she was going to have to deal with this man. "Look, I have no time for useless fights. So if you get out of my way we'll be off."

"Okay, it's your trial, be present or not, but I think you would like to tell your side of the story before I sentence you to hell."

As he said this, Trina gets a serious look on her face and threw a punch, hitting the man onto the ground and knocking a couple teeth out. As the black man stood up, a court room appeared around them.

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