Before we begin

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(Starting info will be updated as the story goes on)

Starting info:

-Chain Link is going to be this story's version of the messenger app.

- Chapters will transition between texting and actual interactions constantly. So for example: text, irl, text, irl, etc) occasionally I will do several irl in a row, increasing that irl count as we progress

- We know Donnie as part of the neurodivergent  community so if you notice behaviors I have him do he normally doesn't do in the show? The answer is its referenced off my own habits, as I have autism and think of it as an easy reference point.

- You'll know what I mean by his actions— evading certain words, overanalyzing details except for eyes, awkward silences, consistent metaphors, etc.

-Female pronouns are used as it's my preference and I usually fumble on male and non-binary protag pronouns since I'm so used to doing female ones.

‐ The reader's stutter is based off my own. If you notice her repeating words and swearing because of a stutter messing up her speech? Thats me typing down what ended up happening when I read it aloud to myself.

Character Summary:

You're a virtual student; meaning you take online courses to do school.

The reason why? You have a respiratory impairment. But it doesn't stop you from participating with the purple dragons!

Yes, you're a member of the Purple Dragons... As Kendra's right-hand-gal no less!

You're an efficient learner for your age.
Fast at finding solutions and quick at figuring out puzzles; even held the title of fastest Rubix Cube solver for a solid five years!
Its kind of the reason you joined the PDs and earned the group's respect within a week.

Your Personality:

Behind a screen you talk the big talk. Threats, hacking, mockery, copyright, fraud, virtual identity theft, scamming- the works. Pretty crazy.....

But its the person you want to be! Adventure, misfortune, drama, romance! You want to be a storybook villain! And that's how you act around people you are close to. But only the ones you're really close to.

In person you are drastically different, especially around people you aren't close with.
You're super shy, skittish, polite, closed off, introverted, easy to fluster, a bit paranoid and jumpy. All bark, no bite because of your chances of getting hurt are just more likely if you can't hold your tongue.

Info on your respiratory impairment:

When you're at home:

- Basic nasal mask

- Mechanical ventilator

- Wheelchair

- Crutches

- Button to get parents (blue)

- 911 speed dial button (red)

When you're with the Purple Dragons:

- Canister that you strap onto your back. It filters outside oxygen to refuel itself when empty automatically

- Custom total face mask with F/C highlights. (Custom as its hooked up by a tube to the air canister to give you oxygen)

- A walking cane with a built-in grappling hook

- Purple watch that monitors your heart rate, blood pressure, internal oxygen levels, and percentage of oxygen in your canister

You equip all of this stuff and then unhook yourself from your bed equipment in order to keep your oxygen levels up. Vice-versa to get back into bed for home stuff.


Some Angst, bad language, blood, and suggestive concepts (never any further than that and it'll be in later chapters)

Warnings and keywords will be given at the top of each chapter as well.

Enjoy the story, little dreamers!

Dissonance (Rise Donnie x FEM!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now