Let's Say Hi!

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Holy shit I had to pick this back up again. Man, I'm procrastinating hard! Jesussssss—

Also here's something I drew over my absence. I saw people drawing the turtles as human boys so I made them human girls!

In order we got
Michelle/Mich (said as Mitch)
Rhianna/Rian (Said as Ryan)
Daniella/Dani (Said as Danny)

Anyway no more procrastinating! Enjoy my lovely little dreamers~!

The lighting shifts around you as you're wheeled into the projector room before the other turtles. You remembered the blue and red one from the previous chaos and the orange one— Mikey, from moments prior.

"Hey-lo, beautiful! How you feeling?" Blue says, sliding over to your side smoothly, leaning against one of it's arm rests with a toothy smile.

How charming… This must be the problematic one Mikey spoke of. Leo was it?

Before you could aid yourself with a response, the large red one picked him up by his bandana tails. "Excuse him, miss. We're just glad you're okay! Raph should know for sure!"

You gave an amused huff, looking up at him with a shy smile. Yes, he was intimidating and scary, but, he spoke in such a soft voice with the sweetest look in his eyes!

Then it clicked. Time– was what the time?! You pat yourself down for your phone, unable to find it. The brothers gave you a confused glance to one another– one that also held familiarity.

"Beautiful, heyyy!" The blue turtle outright popped his bandana off so he could go over to you. "Easy, easy! No need to rush!" He assured, "Our buddy April and her mom are covering for you!"

You eyed him suspiciously. Donnie gave a snort behind you, but you were so focused on Leo you didn't notice. He looked down on your h/c locks with a dopey grin. He still found it hard to actually tell that this was really the Bluejay that called him a narcissistic jackass….

Raph gaped and then threw the bandana in Leo's face, knocking him to the floor.

You give a squeak and a sigh, recoiling to the side when he hit the ground. The taller turtle gave an embarrassed smile and shied back beside his younger brother as he placed it back over his eyes.

"Well, it's, ah- very nice to meet you all. My name is Y/n..."

The boys simply smiled brightly, passing their own introductions to you.

"I'm Raphael! And this is Leonardo, and you already met Michaelangelo and Donatello." the snapper said, offering a large hand you.

You shook it, feeling the callouses and how he was being gentle, seeing as his hand was three times bigger. He gave a toothy grin and released your hand to stand up straight. Brightly, he continued,

"Buuuut, you can just call us Raph, Leo, Mikey, and Donnie! Anything else works too. As long as it ain't mean!"

Mikey was quick to take control once the introductions were passed. He bumped Donnie away from the back of the wheelchair with his hip. The purple turtle gave a disgruntled yelp as he flailed around to balance out. It... Didn't, work out as intended.

Yes, he caught himself on a table...

No, was it a table you press the edge of. Because it sent him down the rest of the way with the addition of a lamp with a beautiful, dark red shade. The base hit him in the gut, the bulb broke, and the shade fell stop his head to render his sight.

You giggle at the comedic scene, never thinking your rival to be such a clutz. And the other turtles were just as surprised. Never once had they seen the smartest one there do something so clumsy during a first impression. Not excessively formal, not incredibly paranoid, not wildly aggressive— just flat out stupid.

The youngest clicked his tongue, still wide eyed as he wheeled you out, chattering away about getting you something to eat. The moment your figures left from around the corner, Leonardo burst out into laughter and Raphael was anxious by Donatello's side as he came to his senses.

But he didn't notice.

Donnie propped himself up with one elbow and raised the lamp shade above his eyes, a dreamy look in his half-lidded gaze as he stared at where you just departed to. God... Your laugh was like sugar to him. Sweet, addicting, and he wanted more. He couldn't, though. There was an image he desperately need to uphold around you and he knew it.

If you found out that he was the kind of person that threw a fit if something was even slightly out of place but pulled a move like that? You'd never let him live that down.....

Still spaced out, he failed to notice Raph dragging Leo by his ankle- who was still in a laughing fit, out of the living room to go join Mikey and you in getting something to eat.

Dissonance (Rise Donnie x FEM!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now