Cut Your Losses

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Changed texting format

Added details relating to disability

Dialed down excessive amount of foul language


I stare down the display in front of me, jaw agape at the death screen glowing red on my high-powered, f/c laptop.

There's no way. This was my territory! I'm the queen here! Ain't no way some dope with a user like 'Bootyyyshaker9000' could've beaten the likes of me, THE 'RabidBluejay'!

I grit my teeth and fire a quick 'gg' in the chat to my competition before quitting and roughly throwing my headset onto the antique, pinewood dresser beside my bed.

Almost immediately after I whip out my phone and text my bio-bestie (we share a biology class), April O'Neil.


I lost for the first time to a jackass with the dumbest username ever!

O'Neil My Beloved:
Omg. Details, girl, detaaiiiilllssss!!!

It was Bootyyyshaker9000 or some shit. Dude was super strategic and precise
I'm almost impressed!

O'Neil My Beloved:
Girl thats my friend

You gotta be kidding me

O'Neil My Beloved:
Not kidding you, girl friend. Hes as precise as they come
It dawned on me that you make big talk for a quiet gal

Oh can it, O'Neil


I lay on my back, twirling the air tube by my side and sigh, clicking my phone off.

He's got to be as cocky as his username. Surely April thinks he's an jerk or something...

My thoughts were cut off by a ping from my laptop. Curiousity got the best of me and I sit up by my elbows to take a proper look at the screen of the device that was placed on my thighs.

Bootyyyshaker9000 has sent you a friend request! Do you accept?


I nearly choked on my own saliva at the notification and turn my phone back on to text April again


holy shit

O'Neil My Beloved:

He sent me a friend requ

O'Neil My Beloved:
No wayyyy
He never does that!
Best of luck, N/n. You better try hard to win him over!

I won't


A satisfied smile crept up my cheeks through my breathing mask as I take a deep breath, but were moved back into a neutral frown quickly. By this point I'd thrown my phone onto the dresser, sat up against the backboard, and clicked yes.



Bootyyyshaker9000 has been added to your friends list!


Whatchu friending me for?

I was impressed by your skills in the game despite your humiliating miscalculation that allowed me to win

And... Off the friends list you go!

Now wait a damn minute, Bluejay!

There is other causes to this

Make it quick

I'm hovering over the remove friend button

Spectacular! As you know, I am quite the extraordinary player at this game. But I see highly of your ability to nearly win against my intellect.

Well, Sir Shakes-A-Lot, I've been playing since the early access was released.

Incredible! The early access release?! You truly are dedicated! I'm quite flabbergasted!

You sure like big talk, huh, nerd?

Nerd is both insulting and a vast understatement of my prowess, Bluejay
I prefer the term "Genius"

Well, I prefer this one


Bootyyyshaker9000 has been nicknamed Narcissistic Jackass


Narcissistic Jackass:
Oh you son of a bitch

I try my best, nerd.


I grin smugly at my phone but break into a tired yawn. So, with crossing vision, I let him know that I'd be going to rest.


Well, nerd, my bed is calling my name
So I bid you a shitty sleep

Narcissistic Jackass:
That's if I do sleep
Farewell, prick

Go choke on water


Logging out, I press the screen against the keyboard, place it on the charger, and the moment my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light, embracing the dreamless sleep before me.


Short chapter but I want to set up really basic since I have school tomorrow and my eyes are subconsciously crossing from my lack of proper sleep. Chiao!

- Pancake

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