Still on For a Marathon?

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F/t = Favorite Topping

The two of you stare at each other blankly. He was Bootyyyshaker9000 and you were RabidBluejay. Who knew? Shelldon, that's for sure.

Shelldon eyes between your still figures, waiting to see who acted first.  Though he had his bets it would be Donnie from your shy nature.... And he was correct.

"You're the ever-so-cocky RabidBluejay? To think we recognized each other over a Might Be Giants reference...."

You huff, clambering off the table now and limping circles around him using your walking stick to support yourself.

To think this was why he never shared his voice... Because he was one of the Mad Dogs? Then again, you aren't going to tell him you're N/n and are most definitely going to start using a voice changer and tint your mask glass when on your runs. But if you want to be friends with your gaming rival, you'd have to lie to your best friends as to why you start using it.

Somehow you'd also need to convince April not to spill the beans, since you're going to keep her secret from her brother figures, she might as well owe you.

"Yeah, I know. Better to bite your tongue in reality... C-Can I have your name, since you have mine, D.T.?"

You spoke in a polite whisper. Donnie never thought these kinds of tones would come from someone like you— even with valid reasons. It almost made him trip over his words.

"It is Hamato, Donatello. The drone there is Shelldon, though I feel he has already introduced himself to you." He said in a firm voice, as to not show how strange he felt.

The flutter felt so wonderful, even if he wanted to hate it.

"Donnie! How's your patien— oh. She's up! Leo, Raph! The girl's awake!"

An orange-masked turtle popped his head into the room, baby blue eyes landing on your figure. You didn't feel a need to cower like with Donatello, however... He was younger, clearly, and seemed to practically glow blindingly with sweetness to the point where you couldn't help but feel your muscles relax and a smile grow.

The short and stout turtle dashed over and vigorously shook your available hand, almost toppling you over if Donatello hadn't daintily grasped your sides from behind. He knew it wasn't wise to support you by grabbing the arm with your walking stick but he also knew you would fall from a dizzy spell if he did nothing. If not a dizzy spell, then the youngest brother's boundless energy.

"Hi! My name's Michaelangelo but everyone calls me Mikey! Do you like pizza? What kind of toppings would you like 'cause our friend April's picking some up!" He pauses to gasp for air. "Do you know April? She's amazing and from what I can tell goes to the same high school as you! I could tell from the sticker on your super, mega, wowing mech!! Good choice in scent by the way! F/f all the way baby! Say, how—"

A giggle broke through your narrow lips, interrupting him. The boy stopped, cocking his head to the side like a puppy. Why were you giggling? Did he say something wrong? 

"Sorry... Sorry. I'll go ahead and answer your questions.. May I sit- sit down, though? My- legs- my legs are partly asleep.."

"Oh, but of course! How rude of us!" He said the last part through clenched teeth.

Mikey ducked his head partway down into his shell. Seeing his gesture of shame, you couldn't help but giggle softly once more.

Shelldon's voice followed suite in your laughter once he tossed the briefcase up and allowed it to turn into your wheelchair. Letting the taller of the pair guide you down into the chair, you give a delighted moan as the cushions curved perfectly around your backside. 

"Okay, questions... Nice to meet you, Mike n' Ike. Yes I love pizza, f/t p-prefre- preferably, yes I know April, yes we go to the same school, and thank you.."

You took your time to try and keep your stutter down, answering each question he had asked previously before he could ask new ones. While doing so, you settled in by laying a blanket over your legs to keep them warm from the early January air.

A sudden jerk forward made you gasp. When you looked behind you, there was a sense of relief. Donnie had just grabbed the handles of your chair. He evaded your gaze, eyeing the frame of his mechanical door.

"Oh! Are we taking her to meet Raph and Leo?" Asks Mikey, sliding over to your side once again.

The turtle in purple mutters a quiet "yes" and wheeled you out of his space. Before leaving the room, you closed your eyes so they wouldn't be hurt as the purple lights changed to bright streaks of daylight.

“You’re going to love Raph and Leo! But, let us know if Leo causes you any issues, mkay?”

Mikey kept a slow pace beside you as he spoke. You simply nodded before continuing a mostly one-sided conversation. He didn’t mind, of course, that you were more of a listener. It just meant more time for him to chit chat away! Donnie took the time to take in your features, really analyze how you look and your real personality- not the online persona he knew.

He took in your posture, slouched but at the same time straight, like you were relaxed but still on edge, how your h/l/, h/c hair had this angelic ray of highlights, the way you flexed and twisted your fingers in different ways together like a little puzzle needing to be assembled as a way to fidget (he'd have to try that some time), and your voice- god.. He was already enchanted by it from your calls together, but to hear just how soft it truly was— how it sounded when polite and sugary, really threw him off the deep end. 

The terrapin quietly grew embarrassed at just how attracted he felt to you already.


He broke out of his thoughts. You eyed up at him curiously, wondering of his prolonged silence. Had he been dissociating? He told you about how he had high-functioning autism, so one could only assume.

"Mmh? What's up, Bluejay?" Mikey eyed between you two and decided to slip away to let the missing brothers know about you and your shyness. And so you could talk to him.

"When I'm done meeting your brothers… Could we– y'know… Go back to your lab and still do our movie marathon? With just us?"

You play with the edge of the f/c blanket sheepishly, cheeks dusting red. Donnie let a tiny smile grow from his beak and he nodded. Words didn't feel needed anymore as you both exchanged a silent humming and entered the main room of the lair.

Maybe– just maybe, you two would stay friends, even if you found out each other's secrets.

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