Two Weeks Time

701 23 22

Dear journal,

The turtles figured it was more beneficial (and less suspicious) if they picked me up at my own home rather than me leaving to go to theirs. Which, was proven true. I haven't gotten into trouble yet!

The boys and I really have bonded.
Leo and I always seem to get into trouble,
Raph taught me how to crochet,
Mikey and I draw together,
And with Donnie? We're stuck at the hip! No matter what I'm doing, he's always by my side.

Personally, I find it hilarious how all the others treat it as an abnormality, but I never understood why.

Things with the dragons are going well too, and the boys are yet to discover why I can't show up some days.

So far my newest upgrades to my wheelchair are nearly complete! When Jackass offered up his lab to help make it, I was more than thrilled!

Shelldon called me mom on accident the other day.

I apologize for not writing the last few weeks.

You close the ringed notebook and watch with half a smirk as Donnie panicked at realizing he grabbed the wrong kind of screwdriver. He was rambling on and on about his rhythm being lost and how he needed to be able to blindly grab the right ones.

You simply roll your chair over next to his own and lay your hand on his wrist. He flinched before looking aside and nodding.

Silent communication was something you got good at. A single nod, gesture, or a set of blinks and you knew what the other thought.

Try to do some pacing to relax.

If you say so...

You brush some h/c strands out of her face and smile. Donnie returns it shyly. He pushed his chair back and stood, pacing circles around the wide space in his lab- cleaned so you could wheel around freely, to ease himself up. All the while, he muttered and mumbled things comforting to himself- like reciting the numbers to Pi or an enormous string of facts from past hyperfixations.

There you were, admiring every little thing he did again. Shelldon watched you stare at him with a dopey grin. It was clear you showed interest but even then, you still didn't like him romantically. That drove Shelldon crazy. Yet, he was glad. There was the issue of being on different sides.

Suddenly your phone rang, the ringtone playing very loudly,

"If I could call Chris Hansen an asshole-licking dick fart to his face, I'd be soooo happy..."

(Hope you get the reference)

Eyes dropped to your phone, a smirk playing on Donnie's beak as your cheeks ran flush and rosy at the most definitely not age-appropriate ringtone.

"Sorry— l-let me get that..." You snag your phone and wheel out of the room.

"N/n where the hell are you?!" It was Jase. Just had to be Jase.

"Hanging out with new- friends! You guys aren't the only people I know!"

"Well we need you! Kendra is seething because we almost set an alarm off without you here!"

"You stupid Ipad kid I'm on it, I'm on it! Hang up and tell Ken to keep her pussy in her panties! Jesus Christ....."

You heard the boy sigh loudly and hang up. Now in the clear, you re-enter the lab and smile shyly to Donnie. He chuckled a little and steered around you.

"Sooooo, who was that?" He asked.

"Donnie say fish in French."

He raised a brow, "Poisson..?"

You nod, clapping, "Correct! And that's what you'll find in your food if you ask questions I don't want to answer!"

The two of you glare at one another in silence before breaking into laughter. He pats the back of your wheelchair and went back to whatever he was working on; his little panic attack over.

You sigh in relief as he looked away and you opened your hacking app over your phone. Already knowing where they were, you got to work.

"So whatcha even building, Don?" You ask, slightly curious as you kept watch of the camera system over the phone.

"Oh, just a little something..." He starts, "Just a portable pyrotechnics device!"

You look up to Donnie and grin. By now you had adjusted to all of the crazy ideas he'd come up with and this, by far, took the cake.

"Pyrotechnics? Never thought you were one for that, DD." You look back to your phone and check the progress on the mission.

The little display you designed made it look like you were playing a video game, just so he wouldn't know whenever they needed you but you were with the turtles.

"Yeah, Y/n? Well I did happen to—" you cut him off with a snigger, lifting a hand as the other tapped wildly on your phone.

"I know; happen to create a giant war tank." You finish. "You're a dork, y'know that? And a dork magnet, why do you think I stick around?"

"Becaaaaause I'm cool?" Donnie scoffed back, rolling his eyes before getting back to work on his device. He had a slight blush on his cheeks and beak but you didn't notice.

"You wish, jackass!" You laugh, both hands back on your phone as you begin to focus deeply on it, determined to assist your crew.

He watched you, glancing over his shoulder repeatedly. His eyes held the look of a dreaming loverboy. The way your brow furrowed when you concentrated, how you purse your lips in focus- squinting and leaning over what you do... These were only some of the little things he noticed. He saw so many miniscule things about you; every imperfection he called glorious, every fault he called dreamy...

You were the Penitent Magdalene to his Donatello— beautiful for your realism, admired for your views.

All the while, Shelldon watched you two slowly lean and pine for one another, with worry in his circuits and dread in his hard drive. If this worked out, it would be a miracle... Oh how he loved miracles. A little robot can dream, though.

Dissonance (Rise Donnie x FEM!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now