What Art Thou Woes?

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Finally able to update more! My musical has ended and I can finally ride the bus home from school, stop working late nights rehearsing, and no longer have to leave for a performance! Expect more updates!


Your e/c eyes, puffy and red from crying, gloss over your contacts until you landed on his. 'Bootyyyshaker9000'. Maybe you could talk with him? It's worth a shot.

You never wanted to tell April, Sunita, or any of the dragons about what had happened. Family matters should really just stay to family and those who can't interfere. So, your best bet of venting other than journaling would be to text an online friend. And of all people, you chose your rival.


Shakes are you there?
I summon thee, Sir Shakes-A-Lot of the 9000 bootyyys.

Narcissistic Jackass:
I'm here, I'm here. Don't spam dammit.
What's up?

Can I vent to you about some stuff?

Narcissistic Jackass:
Fine. It's not like I have anything better to do.

Not even sleeping?
Late night project, huh?

Narcissistic Jackass:

Well, actually, can I call you?

Narcissistic Jackass:
I had told you a few weeks ago I don't like sharing my voice.

No not at all, I know.
For me to vent with vocal tones, you can stay on mute if you want.

Narcissistic Jackass:
After a few minutes of consideration, I'll allow it. Give me a moment to get a headset on and jacked into my phone.

Sweet. Thanks man.
I'll call in a sec.


You fumble with the aux cord for your earbuds and jam it into the phone. Popping one bud in and leaving one out to hear for family, you click the phone icon on his profile.

It didn't take long for the line to pick up. "Caaaan you hear me?"


Narcissistic Jackass:
Loud and clear


"Great. So, first off, sorry for coming to youuuu. Second off, it's family troubles."

You laid down and fold your hands across your stomach.

"I'm never allowed to go anywhere on my own. Either a parent or trusted friend has to go with. Im not even allowed to do sleepovers! My mother says it's for my safety, because "Honey, you're disabled, you could get hurt or worse". Which is understandable— which is an understandable worry— excuse my stutter, but it doesn't mean they should treat me as a china doll!"

You check your phone and bask in it's soft blue glow, pausing for a breather and response.


Narcissistic Jackass:
Yeesh. Helicopter parents, much?
They should realize you're old enough to be responsible for it.


Dissonance (Rise Donnie x FEM!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now