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Hey everyone. I really should've written this sooner but right now Dissonance is on a really long hold.

As I feel it's easiest to write down and read why, I'll be bullet pointing the causes for you all in one list and then the good news in another! ^^

Reasons :

* I've been having a very hard time finding opportunities to write, as I'm a shy writer and my computer is in the dining room where foot traffic is. It's awkward because I don't know when they look at my screen from the counter in the kitchen.

* I am adjusting to being a freshman in high school! I started this book in 8th grade and over the course of my summer between schools. As a result I have less energy and motivation to write and need to design a writing schedule.

* I type more things (and faster) on my computer than my phone, and I currently use my phone for the sake of privacy when writing fanfiction.

* I've started falling out of my hyperfixation on TMNT.

Good news :

* I share a bedroom with my older sibling, HOWEVER, they are moving to a college dorm this summer and so the bedroom will be all mine. My computer will be moved into the room and I'll have privacy to write more often.

* I will be establishing my own writing schedule such as what time I write and for how long.

* Chapters will be longer once I'm able to use my computer to write!

* I know how to get my hyperfixation on Rise back and so I will very much be returning to this book as well as all my other ones.

I do apologize for not making this sooner, it only dawned on me now to actually write this and I immediately took action to make it so I wouldn't forget (out of sight, out of mind thing).

Love you my little dreamers!

- Pancake

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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