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Sorry for filler. I had a grand idea.


I slid into my chair and slid my goggles and bandana off. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. is yet to tell me just who he was being so secretive about on the Purple Dragon.

A girl he spoke of. Called her 'N/n'. I sat down in my chair, closing my eyes to recall the moment.


Flashback brought to you by SHELLDON running into a wall at the drone race


"Well, Dad. At least N/n wasn't mad at me.... She's a wicked cool dudette!"

"Who—" I was immediately shut down on the question.

"NO ONE!" Screamed my precious boy before flying out of my lab. I stared, completely puzzled by his abrupt outburst.


Flashback over


A sudden ping broke me out of my racing thoughts.

It was Bluejay.


Ready to get your ass beat to a pulp?

Narcissistic Jackass:
Hah! You'd need to try pretty damn hard to do that, Bluejay!

Give me your best shot, bitch boy!

Narcissistic Jackass:
Gasp! You dare call me a bitch boy?!

Did you just type gasp?

Narcissistic Jackass:

I see the text right there
You typed gasp

Narcissistic Jackass:
A personal habit

A weird habit

Narcissistic Jackass:
Oh shut your trap and play, prick

You need more creative nicknames

Narcissistic Jackass:
Says you

Yeah. Says me. And probably a lot of others

Narcissistic Jackass:
Unamused chuckle. Now let's play

There you go again!

Also can't we just
I dunno
Call each other to make trash talking easier while I kick your ass?

Narcissistic Jackass:
No. I would prefer against doing so

Why not?

Narcissistic Jackass:
I'm not comfortable with sharing my voice to dumb-dumbs I've known only for three days.

Who're you calling dumb-dumb?!

Narcissistic Jackass:


Smugly, I type in the command and the ping entered the chatroom. While doing so I whisper, "Devious laugh" under my breath.

Only because my brothers were sleeping in.


RabidBluejay has been nicknamed Dumb-Dumb


I hate you

Narcissistic Jackass:
The feeling is mutual

Go figure. Now let's play, Jackass!


I didn't know what to say, controller slipping from my hands. They did the impossible. They won. Against me.

"But how....?!" I hiss under my breath, typing in frustration.


Victory is mine, Jackass!

Narcissistic Jackass:
I must've miscalculated! There's no way you just won!

Eat my shorts!

Narcissistic Jackass:
I would prefer against doing so

I was quoting Bart Simpson
Have you never seen the Simpsons?

Narcissistic Jackass:
Can't say I have

Dude, its hilarious



The voice rang through my lab and tuned my music out. It was Raph. I could smell his frustration stink anywhere.

"We'll meet again, Bluejay... Just you wait...."


Narcissistic Jackass:
I'll watch it some time when my father stops hogging the TV
Anyway I gtg
My brothers are calling me

How many brothers?

Narcissistic Jackass:
Three, excluding myself

God damn. I'll finish rubbing my win in your face later


I turn my computer off and push my chair away from my desk. The vibrant purple lighting highlighted my wall of battle shells as I grab my tech-bo from it's holster on the wall and go out to see my brothers. If Raph got impatient this quickly then something just had to be up.

As I arrive Raph turned and nodded in acknowledgement. Didn't take long for his focus to return to explaining the point of leaving

"— Which means the Foot Clan. April says they're going for it at the museum soon so we're going off to stake out good spots to keep an eye from."

I swipe on my phone. "Annoyed snort...." Even Mikey looked bored as a log. Which, isn't typical.

"And....?" Leo exclaimed, gesturing for Raph to continue as he looked over my shoulder. I had an arm from my shell shove him away.

"Ugh.... And April has plans for an overnight at the museum with Sunita and a human friend. The same night. That can't be cancelled unless they tell the friend."

Now that was part of it never mentioned. All of us snap out focus to Raph. Even I bothered to spare a glance.

"Well... What's the Foot even after?" Asked Mikey.

"We... Don't.. know...?"

"Well, that's a bust. Let's just stake out tomorrow night at sunset." I offer, already walking back to my room.

I smirk at a murmur of agreements from the others.

"Ugh. Fine! But that puts you in responsibility for if anything goes wrong." Raph grunts out as he left.

The rest of us depart to our rooms for our own shenanigans and thoughts.

Pleasant. Absolutely pleasant....

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