Naturally, it's History

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Shit is boutta begin, folks.

~~~ 3rd person ~~~

Her brown, puffy locks bounced as she walked down the road to meet with her friends. With heavy persuasion done, Y/n convinced the girls to go meet up for an overnight event at the museum.

April, Sunita, and Y/n.

April did a jazzy little slide around the sidewalk cracks as she made her way over to Y/n's house. Sure, this gave her weird looks from the people around her... But you can't deny, she looked adorable!

Her anxiety over the Foot couldn't get in the way of this! Even if she wanted it to; for her safety and the safety of her friends.

Sunita stood in front of their friend's house as April arrived. At the sight of her nearing buddy, she waved with an excessive level of energy.

"April! Hey! How you doin' girl friend!?" She ran to meet her halfway for a hug, bouncing on her heels.

"Doing great! What're you doing waiting out here?" April squeezed her friend and then let go as they finished the trek to the missing musketeer's doorstep.

"Her parents told me to wait outside while she gets ready. Something about a guest unplugging her respirator on accident once making things kinda tense." Sunita explained with a shrug.

"Yikes. How long have you been waiting?" April threw herself onto one of the deck chairs.

"Ten minutes, I think. I didn't bring a watch." The cloaked yokai mimics her friend with a chair on the opposite side of the patio.

Right as Sunita slid down in the chair, the front door swung open and out shot Y/n down the patio ramp from her wheelchair.

Her h/c hair flew behind her before she paused— only looking back with a devious smirk.

"C'mon losers, we're going to the museum!"

The wheelchair sped down the sidewalk as she pressed the wheels the front at a constant pace.

The two friends were dumbstruck for a moment, looking at the sidewalk and each other before it clicked and they raced after her.

The orange and pink sky of the setting sun and forming stars lit their silhouettes as they all laugh and shout- no care of disturbing the locals in sight. Just pure, unbridled joy and raw excitement in the budding adults.

"..... And then he was flailing his arms, screaming, "I'm GoNNa bE ColLAteRal DaMAGe!" Like it was going to kill him!"

I throw my arms into the air as I mimic Jason's voice. By now Sunita was pushing my wheelchair while I recited the story of my last trip with my fellow dragons.

April and Sunita already knew about my clique but never really argued over it, just didn't support it.

"Seriously?" Queries April.

"Serious is impossible from Jase. But, yeah. He said that."

"Guys, we're here" I hear Sunita butt in from behind.

The three of us pause to look up at the enormous building before them. I was absolutely excited. While the other two.... Seemed a bit nervous.

The marble building loomed before us, backlit by stars and a crescent moon. I stare up at it and shift in excitement.

"Girls night!"

I push my fists into the air as I was brought up by the handicap ramp to the doors. As they push them opened we were greeted to eerie silence.

Dissonance (Rise Donnie x FEM!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now