I Can Make It Rain Copper

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You moan and squint in pain, eyes burning. You didn't know why you felt the way you did until you remembered just how late you were up on your latest assignment.

The darkened screen of the laptop upon your blanket-draped thighs that you knew all too well reflected your figure laying against the bed's backboard.

The screen was black as you gaze into it's reflective void.

Must've fallen asleep working again...

You crane your head and squint at the clock. Time felt like everything to you right now. While you did feel energetic and refreshed, you needed to know just how long you were asleep.

12:40 am
One missed call from Kendra

A little yawn escaped your mouth, working up the energy to call back— which now became your focus instead of the time.

You sit up and type your password, intent on calling Kendra back.

You wanted to keep working, but the current aches and sores in your back and arms were enough of a hint that you needed to stop your current all-nighter streak.

Maybe have a bit of fun, you know? Break stuff, do some graffiti, abuse your favorite ATM.

"Kendra?" You sluggishly asked.

"Y/n! Hey! We're planning on having a bit of mischief tonight downtown. Care to join us?" She chimed through the speaker.

"I'm down to going. Meet down at the park like usual?"

Sliding down from your bed, you place your phone on the dresser and grab the first thing you could from your closet as you drag the mechanical ventilator behind you.

Carefully, you slide the breathing tubes out of your nostrils and change.

With the quick change over, you slide on your signature Purple Dragons' jacket, and swap into your outing breathing gear from a bin hidden under your bed.

"Yup. Want me to pick you up or are you taking your board?"

A quick glance between your hoverboard and bedroom door was given before you fell into the temptation of it's gorgeous purple and f/c lights as you grasp the side of it.

"I'll take my board. See you there." You hung up and hit the activation button.

The moment you heard the whirring you chucked it out your bedroom window and jumped out after it.

The weightlessness made you instinctively inhale deeply and smile with bliss. The risk of missing was high, but that feeling of freedom was worth the risk.

But when your feet hit the cold titanium, you slip up..

Your arms shoot outward flail in a desperate attempt to balance you. And, thankfully, to succession.

One false movement and you would've fallen a good seven stories onto the asphalt of the empty New York streets.

A tiny wheeze of shock was all that left your mouth. It fogged your mask up and rendered your vision. But it was the least of your concern.

Not a word could form from the fact you almost died right then and there.

But, you recovered quickly. It was one of those special nights! Even after nearly dying, you wouldn't dare miss it for the world!

Dissonance (Rise Donnie x FEM!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now