Game Over? Hit Continue!

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N/N = Nickname
S/C = Skin Color


Donnie's POV

I scowl silently as April finished taping the breathing tube back together and adjusted the mask back onto the girl's s/c face. As that occurred, Sunita powered her air tank back up.

Currently, she was resting on my workbench, which I had cleared of parts and incomplete projects. While I happened to be infuriated at bringing a new human to the lair, it was also because Bluejay and I were planning on streaming Jupiter Jim over a call. But it seems our plans have to be rescheduled; much to my distaste.

Although, I must admit, I've never seen or heard of a respirator designed to be so compact. Let alone, refills itself. I want to take it apart and see what made it work, but knew I couldn't. So to keep my hands busy alternatively, I went to text Bluejay a head's up that I couldn't make it.


Narcissistic Jackass:
Bluejay, I regret to inform you that I'm unable to make it to our little virtual marathon. A mishap has occurred and made a large setback.
May we reschedule to next weekend, perhaps?


Text sent, I waited by going to see what Mikey was up to. I knew they wouldn't take long to respond, seeing as they lay in bed all day..

"Hey, Angelo. What're you up to?"

I slide the orange divider curtain aside to see what he was up to. Currently, Mikey was drawing in a sketchbook while laying in his hammock; tongue stuck between his tooth gap in deep focus.

Upon hearing my voice, however, he looked up and lowered his pencil with a smile.

"Oh, hey D! M' just drawing us as Dingy Dungeon fighters! What's up?"

I sat down on his bean bag, snuggling into it's fiberglass bean-filled body tiredly. "Just curious on what you were up to... Seeing as April said she needed to drop Sunita off and Shelldon insisted on keeping track of their friend."

"Mhm? Keep talking; Uncle Michael is listening!"

I exhale my laugh through my nostrils, watching him struggle to shift into a sitting position as the hammock swayed under his weight.

"Alright, alright, well...."

"Hey. N/n. Dudette. Gettap. You're not dead."

"Jase-? GAH MY EYES-"
As I crack open my eyes to see who spoke, bright purple lights burn into my retinas. My hands fly to my face and clasp over my features in a desperate defense against the abrupt pain.

"Ugh. Wait.... Shelldon?"

"The one and only! Glad you're up!" The voice chimed. It was lined in Little clicks and chirps. Of course. Now everything started to relay for me.

The setup, the heist, the fight, the tu- turtles. Turtles? Man.. I'm probably dead if I'm picturing the color coded turtle ninjas Jase spoke about....

"Shelly, baby, can you get whatever these lights are? It hurts...."

My throat burned as I spoke, but I managed to force my request out. Without a word, I heard the low hum of him flying off and felt the intense lighting dim. Now I could open my eyes and let my vision settle.

When I open my gaze, the first thing to greet me was Shelldon's purple metal and delicate red eyes. I hadn't seen them since our night on the town but I missed it. He was just so sweet!

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