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"Just get in the bag and stay still!" A young woman whisper-shouted as she waved her friend away. The young man who was sat in a big bag looked at her and rolled his eyes.

"I don't think you understand how claustrophobic it is in here!" He argued back.

The girl sighed and got up from her seat. She reached up to the bag. "Sorry Tewkesbury, it's for your own good." She spoke.

"What are you talking about?" Tewkesbury questioned, his eyebrows furrowed. The girl had an evil smile on her face as she reached for the zip of the bag.

"Y/N, don't you dare! No! No-" he begged.
His voice was drowned out as Y/N zipped the bag over his body. "You'll be fine." She said as she pat the bag and sat back in her seat.


A young "boy" walked through the crowds of people as he looked for an open entrance onto the train. Suddenly, men in uniform pushed past him, blowing their whistles.

"No sign of him anywhere!" One of them yelled angrily. "No sign of the girl either!" The boy shrugged and continued walking when a voice of a lady came behind him.

"I want an assurance that my son is not with the girl and not on the train!" A lady in a big gown exclaimed. A man in a navy uniform placed a hand on her shoulder.
"He's not on the train, ma'am. I promise."

"Of course he's on the train! So is the L/N girl!"
An extremely angry man yelled at the man. "You simply haven't looked properly!"

"Sir, I've had my officers search this train from top to bottom." The worker explained a in a calm tone.

The fighting and arguing continued as the boy continued searching for an open cabin. He found one and stepped inside.
A girl sat on the seat, alone. "Oh, hello." She said, a frightened look on her face.

"Hel-" The boy coughed and made his voice sound deeper. "I meant, hello." He said as he took a seat.

The girl looked at him weirdly and then peered out of the window. "They have to be on the train!" A lady screamed.

"Oh no." Y/N said in a panic. She looked at the boy who sat in front of her. "Give me your hat." She said, reaching her hand out.

"Uh," the boy said placing a hand on top of his hat. "No."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "Please, I beg. I need it." She said, turning to look out the window again. "This train must leave. We are running extremely late!" The conductor spoke.

"Wait a minute." The boy said. "Are you L/N girl?" He said crossing his arms and standing up.

"You don't understand!" A lady yelled from outside. "My son is on this train with a girl! You don't understand, my son cannot be seen with this girl!"

"It leaves now." The conductor said, crossing his arms. He blew his whistle.

Y/N looked at the boy. "I'm not the L/N girl, alright? My head is...cold. That's all." She said in a hurry.

"Well, too bad because I refuse to give you my hat." He said.

The train began moving slowly. "Finally!" Y/N exclaimed and fell back into her seat.

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