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Night had fallen and the rain was pouring down. Tewksbury and Y/N had found shelter in a small restaurant on the side of the road. They sat in silence, worried for Enola. "What did she mean by a life she simply did no want?" Tewksbury asked as he finished his drink.

Y/N sighed and shrugged. "Lots of things, I suppose."

Tewksbury put his hand on her shoulder. "It's Enola, isn't it? She'll find a way out like she always does." He assured the H/C girl. Y/N looked at him and smiled. "You're right... for once." She laughed.

Tewksbury gasped. "Excuse you, I always happen to be right." He said, smiling. "Yeah, sure. I have a list of things you are wrong about, it's a very long list."
She spoke.

"Go on then, read out all of my mistakes." He said.
The two young adults spent most of the night in the restaurant laughing and joking just like old times.
Enola on the other hand was dealing with a very unfair situation.


Enola sat in the carriage, her brother Mycroft Holmes sitting beside her. Enola was faced looking out the window.

"You may not like me." Mycroft said, breaking the silence. Enola tensed at the sound of his voice.
Tears were threatening to spill out of her eyes.
But she couldn't cry, that was a sign of weakness and she had to act strong.

"You may not think what I'm doing is right," he continued. "But even your blessed mother made a match. Your blessed mother was a bride.
I want you to be happy, Enola." He lied.

Enola looked at him angrily. "No." She spoke firmly.
"You want you to be happy, you want me controlled. Because otherwise you think I will affect your standing." She said, she couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

"You already have done immense damage." He said, keeping a calm tone and a straight face, not once did he look Enola in the eyes.

"Let me out of this carriage." Enola spoke.
"I will deny I am your sister to who ever asks and I will do it with pleasure!" She said raising her voice at the man.

Suddenly, something snapped inside Mycroft and he couldn't hold in the anger no longer.
"YOU ARE MY WARD! AND YOU WILL DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!" He yelled at her face.

Enola sat quietly, her face wet with tears. She tried to hold it in but she couldn't. Mycroft won.
She let out a sob and another one.

Mycroft put his hand out. "Now, hand it over. It is my money after all." Enola put her hand down her corset and took out the folded up pieces of cash.
"Good girl." He said as he counted the money, whole Enola looked out the window and cried.


After an excruciating hour in that carriage Mycroft and Enola had finally arrived at their destination.
Enola couldn't stop thinking of her friends.
Where were they now? Are they safe? Who are they with?

Enola walked into the massive house. Inside was a lady, who happened to be the headmistress of a finishing school for young women. Which is where Enola was being sent by Mycroft.

Enola stood in front of the headmistress. The wrinkled old lady checked her pocket watch. "Well, you just missed supper. But that's alright. You could do without a pound or two." She spoke.

Enola looked her up and down. Some housekeeper walked into the office and handed Enola a uniform that she had to wear. A rather ugly uniform.

"The name Holmes is coming to mean something in this country. This school will give you a chance to live up to your name-"

Enola tried to open her mouth to speak.

"And you can begin by shutting your mouth." The headmistress smiled. "The next time you meet your brothers, they will have a reason to be proud of you finally."

Enola and the old lady stared at each other for a few seconds. "Welcome, Enola."


It was like torture. Y/N sat awake the whole night. She wondered where Enola could be. If she was safe.
If she was with Sherlock. She looked beside her.
Tewksbury laid there, fully knocked out. His snores were as loud as a horse neighing.

The rain continued to pour outside. Y/N looked out the window of the restaurant. The owner of the restaurant had been kind enough to let them sleep on the benches. It would've been cruel if he didn't.
Y/N looked at the wall beside the window.

It had advertisement poster plastered all over it.
Dresses. Bakers. Sewing. Cafes. Dancing. Schools.
The school one was interesting to Y/N.
"Finishing school for young women." She read out from the poster. "Enola..." she whispered.

Y/N snatched the poster off the wall and walked back over to Tewksbury, who was still snoring his brain out.


The next morning was when school began. The morning had been painfully boring for Enola. They all had to walk down the stairs in sync to their classes. In the classes they didn't learn useful things like was Enolas mother taught her.

They learned how to laugh politely.

Every girl looked the exact same, the same white and black dress, same hair, same shoes. Enola felt like she was trapped in a prison, which is basically what this was.
The only time Enola became remotely excited was when lunch time came. She was starving.

They all walked in sync to the lunch room and took a seat. Enola looked at the food in front of her.
It was a tiny bowl of soup. She sighed.
The headmistress tapped her glass for them to begin eating.

They all ate in sync as well, except for Enola.
Enola slurped up her soup, making the girls sat in front of her laugh and giggle at her. They whispered something about her which made Enola become quite annoyed.

What would Y/N do? She thought to herself.
An idea came into her head. She picked up her glass and took a quick sip from it and placed it back down.

Enola hit the back of her plate, making it go flying straight into the girls face. The green soup was splattered across their faces and uniforms.
Enola sat there, trying her hardest not to laugh.
The headmistress stood up and looked at Enola angrily.


WORD COUNT  : 1080

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