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Enola glanced back at Tewkesbury, who was still in shock by what just happened. He was frantically brushing himself off and breathing heavily.

"You do make an awful lot of noise, don't you?" She said in annoyance. Y/N stood up and laughed. "He does, doesn't he?" She agreed.

He looked at both of them like something was wrong with them. "Well, it turns out, being thrown off a train hurts considerably more than you might think!"

"Cry me a river." Y/N scoffed before helping him up. "And I've lost a button!" He cried.
"Oh no! What are we gonna do?" Y/N said, throwing her hands up.

"You're being sarcastic, aren't you?" He said, looking at her in confusion. Y/N groaned and walked away. Tewkesbury looked at Enola who shook her head in disappointment.


"You do know you've entirely ruined phase three of my plan?" Enola spoke.

The three of them were walking through a field of long green grass in the middle of no where.
Tewkesbury and Y/N we're walking side by side behind Enola who was walking quite angrily.

"Phase what?" Tewkesbury questioned.
"Who the hell are you?" Y/N questioned.

Enola didn't bother giving a reply to their questions she continued walking, swinging her arms back and forth.
"Look, I believe our recent brush with death deserves us at least a name!" Tewkesbury spoke.

Enola began to take off her jacket as she walked. "Enola Holmes." She said without looking back at them.

"Wait...Holmes?" Y/N said, running up to Enola, followed by Tewkesbury. "As in Sherlock Holmes?" Enola didn't reply to her question, "And I'm undercover, so forget I told yous that piece of information."

"Undercover working for him?" Tewkesbury questioned.
Enola shook her head. "Undercover from him."

"Hence why you are dressed as a boy-"
"Hence why you are to say nothing!" Enola interrupted, placing a hand in front of Tewkesbury.

Tewkesbury fixed his jacket.

"So?" Enola said, looking between Y/N and Tewkesbury. They stood in silence. "What?" Tewkesbury questioned.

"So," Y/N spoke up. "Thank you, Enola Holmes." She said, bending down a plucking a daisy from the ground. "For saving our lives."

Enola smiled and accepted the flower.
"At least one of yous has a brain." Enola said before continuing walking.
Tewkesbury raised his hands in defense.
"How was I supposed to know!?" He exclaimed.

They continued walking underneath the clear blue sky, the sun beating down on them.

A few hours had passed and the sun was beginning to set. Tewkesbury was lagging behind, complaining about how he was tired.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Y/N said, randomly.
Enola looked at her in confusion. "What is?" She asked.

"The sunset." Y/N said, admiring the different colors in the sky. Enola looked at the sky.
"I suppose so. I've never really noticed it to be honest."

Enola looked over at Y/N, who was still looking at the sunset. Enola couldn't stop staring at her beautiful e/c eyes and the way the sun reflected on them. The way her h/c hair glistened in the sun. Her perfect skin, her perfect nose.

"Earth to Enola." Y/N said with a big smile on her face. Enola shook her head and looked at the ground. "Oh! Sorry, I'm tired. I, uh, I get distracted when I'm tired."

Enola spun around to Tewkesbury. "We should think about sleeping soon."
Tewkesbury nodded desperately. "We should think about eating soon too."

Y/N looked at him. "Hate to break it to you, we have nothing to eat." She spoke sadly.
"Don't be stupid, of course we do." He said, patting Y/N on the shoulder.

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