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(TW - homophobia)


Seeing Enola in such fear and torture made
Y/N extremely angry. But she didn't have time to be angry she had to save Enola. But she had to save herself first.

The man who had his hand around her neck had a sickening grin on his face. Like the kind you'd see in your nightmares. He was laughing under his breath. With all her strength, Y/N lifted her thigh with full force and speed in between his legs.

The man yelled in pain. "You bastard!" She screamed as he fell back. The man in the brown bowler hat looked back, giving Enola the chance to get up but she didn't. She stayed the way she was, head under water.

"Enola!" Y/N screamed, suddenly a fist came flying at her face, sending her back onto the ground. "You shouldn't have done that, L/N. Yous is gon to pay." He said in his thick accent.

Y/N groaned in pain. She wiped the blood off her nose. She looked up at the man who was standing over her. The voice of Edith came into her mind and then she remembered, "Ah, the corkscrew," "Thanks, Edith." She whispered before wrapping her arms around his ankles and pulling him done.

He landed on his back with a thud. "Ouch!" He exclaimed, winded. "Nice one." A voice said. She looked up to see Enola standing there, her hair dripping, which somehow made her look gorgeous. "Enola, look out!" Y/N screamed, the man in the bowler hat dragged her down.

The two of them began fighting throwing fists and kicks and by the look of it, Enola was winning as usual. Y/N turned her attention to the man beneath her. "Funny, I didn't think a big scary man like you would be so hurt by a "small, fragile, little" girl like me, eh?"

She raised her hand to throw a punch, and she hit his face with strong impact. And another, and another. Y/N was so busy with what she was doing she hadn't realized Enola and the other man were gone.

She was also so busy that she didn't notice the man's hand snaking up her back. He gripped on the collar of her dress and pulled her down.
"Hey!" She screamed as he loomed over her. "Now, I is only gonna ask once." He spoke. "Where bouts is that Tewkesbury?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She said before spitting in his face. The man screamed like a baby as Y/N got up and ran. "Enola!" She yelled looking down every alleyway. "Enola, I'm coming! Where are you?" "Stop runnin'!" The man yelled as he chased after her.

Y/N grabbed a barrel and sent it rolling up at him. He rolled over it and fall straight onto his face. Like a cartoon. "Hah!" Y/N laughed as she ran. Y/N found the warehouse that they were in earlier, except the doors were wide open.
"Oh, no." She muttered before running up to it.

She peered inside just to see the back of the man's jacket. He was holding a knife which was faced towards Enola. Suddenly, before she could get any closer, she was wrapped in strong arms, one wrapped around her waist and the other around her mouth.

"Mmmg! Mmmm!" She screamed. Enola noticed them, "Y/N-" Enola was about to say as the knife cut into her. Enola looked down and up at the man. Tears swelled in Enolas eyes.
Y/N screamed, which was muffled by the man's arm. Enola looked at Y/N and winked. "No." She quickly grabbed the liquid and poorer it into the powder causing a massive explosion. Y/N but into his arm, "AH!" The man yelled releasing her, she ran straight to Enola and hugged her. "I thought you were going to die!" She exclaimed. "Me? Absolutely not."

The explosion attacked the two men as Y/N and Enola booked it through the alleyways. Mini fireworks coming at them from all directions. "Wooo!" Y/N screamed. Enola laughed loudly. They ran and ran.


Later on that evening, they sat in the lodging house. "Ouch." Y/N whispered as Enola cleaned the cuts on her face. "That man must've had extremely strong muscles." Enola chuckled.

"He was the size of a bear, but he screamed when I spat in his face." Y/N said, making Enola laugh. "I'm glad your alright, Enola."
Y/N spoke quietly. "I'm glad your safe too,

They sat beside the fire, their bodies warm. The sound of the fire crackling and popping. The warm smell of smoke. Y/N reached out and took Enolas hands and intertwined their fingers. "I'm glad I came with you." She spoke gently.

" too."

Y/N looked into Enolas eyes. "I'm sorry for cutting you off earlier, it's just, I'm scared? Not scared of you, obviously. You're amazing and it's just- like, nice? No, sorry-"

Enola smiled at Y/N. "Y/N, it's fine." She spoke. "I think your nice, too." She smiled.
They both smiled at each other and the room went silent. They had gotten closer and closer to each other. Suddenly, they both knew what they wanted. It was like a mutual feeling.
"...Y/N." Enola whispered. "Yes?"

"Can I kiss you?"

"No!" Y/N exclaimed. "You''re a girl! Girls can't like girls, you know that. You're a monster. I can't be seen with you."

Enola sat in stunned silence. "Y/N? What on earth?" She said, tears forming in her eyes.
"You heard me! It's disgusting." She exclaimed.

Enola? Enola?

Suddenly, Enola gasped awake. "What?" She said, sitting upright. "Are you okay? You started turning and tossing around." Y/N questioned worriedly. She placed a hand on Enolas shoulder. "I can make some tea for you if you'd like."
"Tea, that'd be lovely, thank you." Enola said, still confused and shaken up by the dream, or nightmare she just had.

The two of them sat by the fire, sipping on the hot tea. "When I was a child, I cut my knee open trying to save a sheep from the cliff edge."
Enola began speaking. "I almost died, in truth. My mother was angry. Very angry. It is good to care for the vulnerable, but not if it means risking your life. Sometimes you have to let nature...take its course." She said, mimicking her mothers voice.

"The truth is, I did not ask for you, Y/N L/N in my life or for Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether in my life. I did not want either of you in my life. So, why do I feel responsibility for both you and him? Because...there are those that want to hurt you two. And Tewkesbury has not strength to stop them."

"But we do." Y/N said.

"My mother would have me leave both of you. She would say yous are holding me back. But, Y/N the truth is, you make me stronger. And, I suppose, we make a great team. And well, Tewkesbury he is proud, and foolish, and utterly ridiculous. But he's the sheep on the edge of the cliff. He needs us to save him."

"We have to go back to him. We're coming back for you, Tewks." Y/N said with a smile. "I can't lie, I've kinda missed him."
"Really? I think it's been rather peaceful." Enola said, nudging Y/N in the shoulder.
"We will need a disguise."
"I may have an idea."

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