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The very next morning the two girls sat in the fancy carriage. It was a cold morning. The big gates of the castle opened revealing a huge stone castle. "Wow." Enola gasped through the window. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Y/N said in admiration.

"It sure is." Enola spoke, half looking at Y/N and the window.

"Okay, let's go over the plan," Enola said, almost as if she was talking to an audience again. Y/N decided to ignore it, thinking it was a habit of some sort. "I'm a widow, who has become a private detective. And you are...?"

"I am a policewoman who apparently has news that Tewkesbury has been spotted across the country. And hopefully that'll send them in the wrong direction." Y/N said with a smile. She had been slathered in makeup and forced to wear a wig by Enola in order to disguise herself.

Enola frowned and reached her hands onto
Y/N chest. "Your tie isn't quite right." She said, fixing the navy tie. "There we go, Miss Policeman." Y/N sat in silence, staring at Enola in shock. "I-um, thank you."

"APPROACHING." The carriage driver announced loudly, startling Y/N and Enola out of their moment. "Oh, well..." Y/N said brushing off her pants. "We're approaching." She said awkwardly.

Enola nodded and pulled down her veil. "We are indeed."


"Announcing the arrival of Miss May Beatrice Post and Officer Quinn." Announced the servant before turning and walking away. "Even the way he walks screams fancy." Y/N whispered to Enola. Enola laughed quietly, earning a harsh glare off the guards. "Apologies." Enola smiled bashfully.

The big wooden doors slammed behind them, causing a loud bang.


"What is your buisness here?" Sir Whimbell asked impatiently. His harsh stare lingering on Y/N. Y/N looked at him and smiled. "Well, I'm a private detective." Enola said. "And I've come to offer my services."

"My sister has all the help she needs." Whimbell spoke. "Show the ladies out." He said. "Wait!" Y/N blurted out. Sir Whimbell and Lady Tewkesbury turned to look at her, they stared her down as if she had murdered somebody.

"How rude of me, haha." Y/N said awkwardly. "I have some news. I think you'll want to hear it." Sir Whimbell and Lady Tewkesbury looked at eachother and then at Y/N. "Well, go on!" Lady Tewkesbury said, her voice extremely high pitched. "We don't have all day, girl." Whimbell argued.

"Alright, alright. You're son, and nephew, has been spotted across the country. Somewhere in the country side, volunteering in a garden to help grow crops and vegetables." Y/N lied.

Enola smiled to herself, "Is this a joke?" Lady Tewkesbury said, looking between the two girls accusingly. "Excuse me, I am no joke! I am a lady detective and she is a highly respected officer."

Lady Tewkesbury stood there, her eyebrows furrowed. "Please leave, before we make you leave!" Two guards walked over to escort them out. "We work for Sherlock Holmes!" Enola screamed, catching their attention.

"I...I'm his assistant. And Officer Quinn is a great great friend of his." Enola said, very convincingly. "He sends us ahead of time to prepare the ground."

Lady Tewkesbury walked over to them, in shock. "Sherlock Holmes is interested in out case?" She said hopefully.

Y/N nodded. "....yes."

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