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Enola sat in the office quietly, preparing to listen to a long and boring lecture. "Do you know why I'm an educator?" The headmistress questioned. "It's because I want to make people happy."

Enola scoffed.

"I want you to live a full and vibrant life. Not with anger and endless questions, but with answers." She continued. "I prepare my girls for the world, for the real world!" She said proudly.
"I would never abandon you...." The headmistress spoke.

Enola turned to look at the old woman slowly.
"I would never leave you to fend for yourself." She said.

Enola eyebrows furrowed and the lady nodded.
"Yes," the wrinkly lady spoke. "Mycroft told me," she said.
Enola opened her mouth. "My mother had her reasons." She said.

"I'm sure she did." The headmistress nodded, there was a slight hint of sarcasm in her voice. "I knew your mother. We were friends for a while. At school. Along with this other girl, Grace L/N. They were both wild things. Were always unpredictable, always ready to face a challenge. And I admired them. Grace ran away the second school was done with some boy. She had no money or anything. And as I've heard she had a child. The child's probably around your age by now. I wonder how Grace is doing."

"L/N..." Enola whispered.

"Grace was my friend." The headmistress sighed.
"Her friendship is something I will cherish. Your mother on the other hand, she never truly cared for anything execpt her own...unusual ideas."

Enola looked at her angrily. "She cared for me."

"Then why did she leave you?"

Enola sat in silence, not knowing what to say. The one question she couldn't answer. She looked down, why did she leave me. The headmistress shrugged and stood up.

"Prefects will accompany you to and from lessons." She spoke. "Seeing as you don't know how to handle yourself. This door will always be kept locked."
Enola wasn't listening, she was just asking herself the same question. Why did she leave me.

"You'll thank me..." the lady said. "One day, when you're happily married with a pair of strapping boys." She opened the door and stepped outside, and locked it.


Y/N shook Tewksbury awake. "Jesus, wake up!" She exclaimed. "Your snoring is driving me mad." Tewksbury sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What time is it?" He yawned. "I don't know, but it's morning. So get up."

"Why are you in such a rush?" He questioned before standing up and stretching. "We have to save Enola." Y/N smiled.

"And how are we meant to save Enola if we don't know where Enola is?" He asked, confused. "You're a very confusing person sometimes."

Y/N rolled her eyes and showed Tewksbury the poster. "Finishing School?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed. "You really think the Enola Holmes would be in finishing school?"

"YES!" Y/N yelled. "She said herself that if she got caught she'd be sentenced to a life she did not want? Where's the one place Enola would rather die than be in?"

"Finishing School." They both said.
"Well, how are we meant to save her?" He questioned, reading the poster. "I may have an idea." She smiled.
"Normally, your ideas are not always the safest ideas." Tewksbury said nervously.

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