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Later on that evening, Enola and Y/N sat on the single bed that was in the lodging house Enola rented. "It's uh....cozy?" Y/N said as she looked around the room.

Enola snorted. "Please. It's not close to cozy." Enola laughed. They were both sat in their undergarments with a blanket wrapped around them.

"Anyways, it's time for Phase Four of my plan." She said, grabbing a little brown bag and emptying it out. A bunch of little plastic squares with letters on the them poured out.

"I thought it was phase six?" Questioned Y/N.
Enola looked at her and nodded. "I've entirely lost count." They both laughed.

"It is time to find my mother." She said as she spread out the plastic squares. Y/N thought back to when she got knocked down on the street. Eudoria Holmes. "Eudoria." Y/N whispered. "Huh?" Enola said. "How do you know my mothers name?"

Y/N looked at Enola with surprise. "Oh! Well, um, earlier I think I may have seen her?"
Enolas eyes widened, "Yes!" She said, pulling Y/N into a hug. "Thank you, Y/N!"

Y/N, extremely confused, hugged her back. "You're welcome?"

Enola cleared her throat and realized what she had done. "My apologies. It's just, this means, she's definitely in London!" Enola exclaimed.
"Well, that's brilliant, Enola." Y/N said, smiling.

Enola smiled back, they held eye contact.
"Um," Y/N interrupted. "So...what's the plan..?"

"Oh, right. To find Mother, the first thing I need to do is leave a cipher in every newspaper she might read." Enola said, as if she was talking to somebody behind else, like an audience.

"Thank you, my chrysanthemum. Are you blooming? Send Iris, please." She read out.
Y/N looked at her confusedly. "Iris means message." Enola explained. 

"Now, we have to disguise them." Enola said with a smirk. "Mother can untangle anything so I need to make it most devious!" She said as she swapped letters around.


The very next morning Enola took Y/N to the same dress shop she went too. "If we want the message to get published in the newspaper we better be looking out best!" She exclaimed as she dragged her across the street.

The wandered inside the shop. "Oh!" The shop lady exclaimed. "You're back, again." Enola nodded.

"I'd like to purchase a dress for my friend."
Y/N shook her head. "Enola, no way! Have you seen how expensive these are?"

Enola rolled her eyes and pulled Y/N in to whisper. "I've got money. My Mother left me a fortune." The parted from each other.

"Well, if your sure." Y/N said, unsurely.
"I am!" Enola chirped and pulled Y/N to a rack full of beautiful dresses.

They both searched through them. Enola pulled out an extremely ruffled dress with a massive bow on the front. "Are you being serious right now."

"No!" Enola laughed and put it back. They continued searching when Enola squealed with excitement. "Y/N, this is the perfect one for you, trust me!"

Y/N looked at the dress. It was her favorite color, Y/F/C. "Wow..." Y/N took it from Enola. "Should I put it on then?"


Fifteen minutes later, "Y/N, what's taking you so long?" Enola called out. A grunt came from the dressing room. "Sorry, I've never worn a corset before!"

Soon enough, Y/N came out, the dress fitting perfectly on her, the color made her eyes look like perfection.
"" Enola whispered, her face going pink.

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