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A troubled look fell over Enolas face. Y/N watched as Enola fell into a deep thought.
"So you were at that meeting too." Enola said in a whisper.

"What?" Y/N questioned.

Edith looked at Enola, an amazed look on her face. The lady looked at the ground trying to ignore Enolas accusing stare.

Y/N looked between the both of them, the tension rising in the room. Edith sighed. "I wish I could help you more." She spoke sadly.
"You can, but you won't." Enola said annoyedly.

"I must get back to my students." She said.
"You two can see yourselves out."

Edith began to leave the room as Enola leaped out of her seat. "Hey!" Enola raised her voice. The girl gripped onto Edith's shoulder and spun her around.

"Oh!" Y/N said in shock as Edith grabbed Enolas arms and flipped her onto the ground. Edith stood over Enola, who was on the ground, out of breath. Enola manged to roll herself over.

"Enola?" Y/N asked as Enola grunted. The determined girl held onto Edith's ankles in a poor attempt to knock her over. Edith watched her amusedly.

"Ah, the corkscrew. You could never manage that one, could ya?" She teased.

Edith turned to Y/N. "You can fight." She spoke. "I can tell. You have the arms and the legs for it." Enola stood from the ground.

Y/N nodded. "I can."
"Who taught you?" She questioned.

"Um, I'm self-taught." Y/N shrugged.
Enola nodded proudly. "She's a brilliant fighter, she took down a big man in an alleyway!"

"Hm," Edith Said, looking her up and down.
"If yous want to stay in London, be tough, live the life, but don't do it because you're looking for someone. Do it because you're looking for yourself."

With that, Edith left the room.
"I apologize, Y/N. I've completely embarrassed myself in front of you." She said, fixing her bun. Y/N smiled and fixed Enolas skirt which caused a pink blush to spread on her cheeks.
"You're every determined to find your mother, Enola. It's sweet."

Enola smiled and looked into Y/N's eyes. And Y/N looked back. Enola caught herself and moved away. Y/N cleared her throat and looked at the floor. "What is wrong with me?"
She muttered to herself.

Something caught Y/N's eye in the corner of the room. "What is that?" It was a wooden crate, the lid half off it. Enola cautiously walked over to it and reached her hand inside.

She pulled out something long. She looked at the dragon symbol. "I've seen this before."
Enola looked at Y/N. "The bankmen met. My mother said that. My mother is rather a fan of word games. She made me read every book in Ferndells library."

Enolas eyes lit up. "The embankment!" She exclaimed. "....entangle herb. She also said that."

Y/N looked at Enola. "Wait... Bethnal Green. It was on one of Tewkesburys maps back at home." Enola smiled at her. "And finally, Ellie Houseman."

Enola and Y/N racked their brains,  trying to find a secret code for Ellie Houseman. Tehy swapped the letters around in their minds. Enola and Y/N gasped at the same time.
"Limehouse Lane!" They exclaimed and high-fived. "I think we have our next location, Y/N."


They reached Limehouse Lane at last. It quite a poor area. There were people sitting in the alleyways, begging for money or food or shelter. The building were dirty and old. Smashed windows, broken doors, and old furniture lying on the streets.

Enola and Y/N walked down the street, it was quiet except the odd person sitting on the side of the street. As they walked, the light disappeared and it got darker and more cold.

"Are we going home now?" A little girl in a ripped dress asked her mother who was in also a dirty and ripped dress. "...yes." She said, sounding unsure. "I'm hungry, mother."
"I know, dear."

Enola and Y/N watched them sadly. They continued walking. "Enola..." Y/N whispered. Enola looked at her. "I think we're being watched." She whispered. Enola nodded.

Suddenly, Enola stopped walking. "What's the matter?" Y/N asked. "Come here." Enola spoke as she walked over to a black wooden door. The door had a lock on it, which had a purple ribbon tied around it. "I recognize this ribbon, my mother used it before."

Enola and Y/N looked at each other and smirked. "The window." Y/N said. The two of them pushed a spare box over to the window and climbed inside.

Inside was a regular warehouse. The two of them walked around, searching for anything that could be useful.

They came across a table. On the table there was loads of glass bottles, notebooks, pages, and science equipment. "I found something."
Y/N said. Enola rushed over, in Y/N's hands there was a book. The same ribbon was tied across it. "Votes for women." Y/N read out loud. Enola smirked. They continued looking.

Enola traced her hand across a powder. Y/N picked up a liquid in a glass bottle and walked over to Enola.

"You know how to do this?" Enola asked, shocked. "My mother was very into science. Tewkesbury would always smuggle stuff out of his castle and bring it to her. She always taught me stuff like this. It's fascinating, isn't it?"

Enola smiled and nodded. "Your mother sounds like she was an intelligent and clever woman." She said, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"So does yours, I think if they had known eachother they would've gotten along well."
Y/N said, placing her head on Enolas shoulder.

Enolas heart began to beat extremely fast, she thought it would explode. "Shall we do the experiment together?" "We shall." Y/N replied.
They held the glass bottle together, they're hands on top of each others. They gently poured a drop of the liquid on the powder.
A massive explosion appeared, illuminating their faces for a second. A loud bang came from it.

Both of them stood in stunned silence. They turned to eachother and laughed. Their hands were still together. "I don't know where I'd be without you right now, Enola." She said, sheepishly.

"You'd still be with Tewkesbury, somewhere safe in London." She said, making Y/N laugh. "Y/N.. why did you follow me?" She questioned. "We had only known each-other for a day!"

Y/N went hot, feeling put on the spot. "Um, well, I-I-"

Enola chuckled. "It's alright, L/N girl." Y/N smiled at the nickname. The room went quiet.
They stared into each others eyes. "Y/N, I-"
"We have to hurry. I think we're being watched again." Y/N lied. For some reason, she suddenly felt afraid. Scared of what Enola would say next. Enola looked at her in confusion. "'re right." She said in a defeated tone.

The two of them began looking again. An unknown tension in the room. "What's this?" Y/N said, catching Enolas attention. She picked up a folded piece of paper. "Protest, Unrest and Civil Disobedience." She unfolded the page. "Enola, look at this." She said, her voice shakey.

Enola took the page, her eyebrows raising. "Mycroft was right." She said softly. "You are dangerous." She said.

They found a crate, which had something plastered on it. Woman's Suffrage. Y/N lifted the lid of the crate off and placed it aside. The two of them looked inside the crate. "And Sherlock was right too." Enola said wearily. "You do have a plan." She whispered.

Inside the crate were weapons of all sorts and bombs of all sorts. "What are you planning, mother? Do I want to find you?" She said, Y/N looked at her sadly.

The two girls left the warehouse and began walking. "Are you alright, Enola?" Y/N asked.
"I'm fine...just confused I suppose."
Y/N nodded.

They walked in silence and turned the corner, suddenly the same man in the brown bowler hat jumped out from behind, and he had brought a friend. "Oh, not again!" Y/N screamed. The man grabbed Enola by the neck and the other man grabbed Y/N by the hair.

He shoved Enolas head under water and Y/N was slammed against the wall, his large hand warped around her neck. "E-nol-a!" Y/N gasped as she watched Enola flail around, trying to get out of his grip.


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