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"So you genuinely believe my life's in danger?" Tewksbury questioned as Enola made some tea.
"Uh, from whom?" He asked again.

"Your past and your future." Y/N said from beside him. "Whatever does that mean?" He asked.

"Ok listen to this," Y/N said, ready to list all the facts. "Your family, they didn't send a detective to find us, they could have! But they didn't, instead they sent a murderer, who has already tried to murder me to many times to count. Is that enough reasons?"

"Why would they want me dead?" He wondered.
"Countless reasons!" Enola said sarcastically. "Your personality, your ridiculous hair, your silly smile, or possibly your land, your estate, your title, your seat."
Enola said, walking down the stairs with the teapot followed by Y/N and Tewksbury.

"Exact same reason they wanted your father dead!" Y/N sighed. "Greed does funny things to people Tewksbury, I'm telling you."

"So, now you're saying you think they killed my father?" He asked. "I didn't think so before this whole situation but now, I don't think so, I know." Y/N said.

"No," Tewksbury rubbed his temple. "No, none of this makes sense in the slightest. My fathers death was caused by a botched burglary, and- and it would've been easier to kill me before Y/N and I ran away!" Tewksbury rambled on.

Y/N could see it clearly, someone was in the corner of the bedroom. Watching them, waiting for the perfect moment to jump out and attack.

"I entirely agree. I think they tried to. We found the branch that almost killed you." Enola spoke.
Tewksbury looked at Y/N. "It had been cut." She said angrily. The man was getting closer. Y/N looked around. The teapot.

Suddenly, Y/N grabbed the teapot and ran at the man and smacked him across the face with it. She screamed and he fell into the wall and onto the floor.
"Oh, GOD!" The man screamed.

"COME ON!" Enola screamed, grabbing Y/Ns hand and running out of the room. Tewksbury pushed him back on the floor as he slammed the door shut on the man.

"COME BACK HERE!" The man screamed.
"Who's he!?" Tewksbury panicked as they ran up the stairs.

They ran into the bedroom and shut the door and locked it. "Grab the chest!" Enola yelled. Tewksbury and Y/N pushed the chest in front of the door.
"OPEN UP MISS POSY AND OFFICER!" He yelled from the other side of the door.

L/N!?" he continued. "Inspector Lestrade!" Enola exclaimed. "I need to report an attempted murder!
You're supposed to be on our side!"

Enola, Y/N and Tewksbury put all they're body weight on the chest and door. "See that window over there?" Enola said to Tewksbury and Y/N. "It leads on to a roof. I need you both to climb out and take off in to nowhere."

"And leave you!?" Y/N exclaimed sadly.
"I need to hold this door!" She struggled.
"But you need to get away too!" Tewksbury said.

You could still hear Inspector Lestrade shouting on the other side of the door.
"If he catches either of you, your life will be in danger. If he catches me it's simply a life I do not want. Now GO!" Enola screamed.

"I don't want to leave you Enola." Y/N said sadly.
"I know, I don't either but what can you do." She whispered. "Hurry!" She screamed as she began to get weaker. "GO!"

Tewksbury and Y/N looked at each other and nodded before climbing out the window. Y/N cast one last glance at Enola before closing the window behind her.

Enola could feel her bones starting to ache and she tried and tried to keep the door shut but it was no use. "NO!" She screamed as the door began to open.
Enola was face to face with Lestrade.
They both panted.
"The two others are worth more." He spoke.
"But you give me greater pleasure." He smiled.

Enola looked at Lestrade sadly, knowing this time there was no other way out. Y/N and Tewksbury were gone and they couldn't save her.


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