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Y/n sat awake, she watched the fire as it slowly died. The light getting smaller and smaller and she noticed how much more colder it got.

She turned around to look behind her. There slept Tewkesbury, his mouth wide open, his left arm above his head and right arm outstretched on the ground. Y/N laughed to herself.

Her eyes then wandered over to Enola.
Who took up less space. She looked peaceful compared to Tewkesbury who was now snoring extremely loud.

Y/N rolled her eyes and shut his mouth with her finger. She looked back at Enola again.
Y/N scooted closer to Enola. "Hi." Y/N whispered.

She was still quite surprised by her sudden outburst earlier on. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something? Did I upset her?

Y/N couldn't help but think how pretty she looked. For the whole time she knew her she couldn't help but think it. She was effortlessly beautiful.

Y/N's eyes widened with realization.
"I like Enola Holmes." She whispered out loud.

But, no, no, Enola is a girl. That's not right? That's not allowed. It's not normal.
A million thoughts rushed into her head at once. "I need sleep." She said, rubbing her forehead. "You're just tired." She whispered to herself.

Y/N placed her head on the ground and closed her eyes. And soon enough, she fell into a deep sleep.


The very next morning, they managed to catch a wagon full of sheep which was headed for London. The men agreed to let them aboard for free.

Enola sat on the wagon, and looked at the two expectantly. "Well? You're not just going to stand there are you?" She said, smiling at Y/N.

Y/N panicked and looked at Tewkesbury. "After you, Tewks." She said, signaling for him to sit beside Enola. Tewkesbury shrugged and sat down.
Enola furrowed her eyebrows and watched Y/N sit beside Tewkesbury.

In no time they were off on their long journey to London City. Eventually they reached the busy streets of London.

"So, Y/N what's your plan then?" Enola questioned. Y/N looked at Enola, a sad expression flashed across her face. "Uh, well, I'm not sure."

Enola put on her hat and jumped off the wagon. "Well, this is we're we part." She said with a smile.

"Is it?" Y/N asked sadly. "I mean, oh, yeah, right. Goodbye Enola Holmes. And thank you." Y/N said sheepishly as she looked at the ground.

Enola smiled. "You were supposed to have forgotten that name." She said.

"Well, that's impossible. You're truly unforgettable." Y/N complimented as the wagon began moving.

Y/N sighed and watched Enola leave.
She felt the eyes of somebody on her. "Y/N." Tewkesbury said quietly. "You don't think I see the way you look at her?"

Y/N's face went red. "W-what are you talking about?"  She said, looking at the ground.

"You know what I'm talking about," he said encouragingly. "I'll see you again, alright? Go after Enola." He said, patting her shoulder.

"What!? I'm not going to leave you, Tewkesbury! I barley know her-"

"Shut up and go!" He said as he pushed her out of the wagon and onto the street. "You'll thank me later!" He yelled from the disappearing wagon.

"That bastard." She muttered as she stood up from the ground. She wiped her hands on her already dirty dress. "There is no way he just did that to me!" She said to herself as she began walking through the crowds of people.

Suddenly she was pushed off her feet by a woman who was rushing past her. "Hey!" Y/N exclaimed as she fell to the ground.
She looked up and saw a gloved hand reach out to her.

"Are you alright, dear?" The kind voice said as she helped her up off the ground. "Uh, yes. Thank you so much, you are?" Y/N asked.

"Eudoria Holmes." The lady said with a kind smile. Her big hat was covering her face. "But, I'm undercover so forget I told you that piece of information."

"Wait a minute-"

"Enola Holmes. But, undercover so forget I told you that piece of information."

"Are you Enola Holmes mother?" She questioned but instead of Eudoria Holmes there was an impatient man in a suit and a top hat. "Young Lady! Move at once!" He yelled before shoving her out of the way.

"Rude!" She yelled back before she continued walking. "Where could she be?" Y/N muttered trying to scan the crowds for Enola. She walked and walked until she found herself in a creepy alleyway.

"I probably shouldn't be here..." she whispered before turning to leave. But directly behind her was the man with the same brown bowler hat.

"L/N." He said in a deep voice.
"Oh great, you again." Y/N said.

Y/N turned to run but as she did so, the man put out his foot and tripped her up. Y/N grunted as she hit the wet ground.

He knelt down and grabbed her by the hair.
"Let..." she held onto his arm and flipped herself around. "GO!" she screamed as she kicked him in the crotch.

The man yelled in pain and fell back. Y/N grabbed his cane and hit him in the face with the end of it. "Leave me alone!" She yelled.

The man's hand snaked around her ankle and pulled her down. "Ow!" She screamed as he moved on top of her. He grabbed his cane and pinned it over her throat.

Y/N coughed as it became harder and harder to breath. "Please....stop...." She wheezed.

"I told you I'd win." He said with an ugly smile.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "No, you didn't." She snook her hand out and up to face, she then dug her fingernails into his face.

The man yelled in pain as Y/N threw her leg around his waist and flipped him up against the wall. She clenched her hand into a fist and began punching him repeatedly.

Eventually he passed out, his mouth and nose bloody and his swollen face. She sighed and rubbed the sweat off her face.

She looked down at her hands which were covered in blood and her neck which was bruised a purple color. "Ouch.." she muttered as she grazed her fingers over it.

"L/N Girl?" She heard a familiar voice call out behind her. Y/N spun around to see the one and only Enola Holmes.

She was in a lovely red dress and her hair was pulled back into a neat bun. "What have you gotten yourself into?"

"Enola," Y/N panted. "You look great." She sighed as she leaned against the brick wall.
"Goodness, we better get you cleaned up."
Enola spoke.


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