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Y/n and Enola continued their journey to find Tewkesbury. "Are you going to miss it here?" Enola said, looking around in awe. "I suppose, I mean I have good and bad memories here. But overall, it was a pretty nice place."

Enola took something out of her pocket. It was a small chain and a little notebook. "Are these yours? I wasn't stealing or anything, I just thought you'd want them-"

"They are!" Y/N said taking them out of Enolas hands. "You can't read what's in here, sorry, but, it's really embarrassing I wrote it when I was like ten."

Enola burst out laughing. "I'll just have to wait until your not looking." She winked. "What about the necklace?" Y/N lifted the gold chain, which had a small heart on it. "It was my mothers." She said, inspecting it.

"She wore it everyday." Y/N put the notebook and necklace into her pocket. "Um, let's get a move on."

Enola looked at her in confusion as she began walked ahead.


Y/N wore a light blue dress, which had beautiful flowers sewn into the skirt and a lovely corset. She wore her hair in her favorite hairstyle and she finally had a shower, since like, a really long time.

Enola wore a pink dress, plain and simple. It had a long smooth skirt and long sleeves.
Enola wore her hair down with a piece tied up in a gorgeous hair clip.

They were back in the city, walking through a lovely flower market. There were little kids running around laughing. Old couples smelling the flowers. It was wonderful.

"Y/N," Enola spoke. "That colour really suits you." She said shyly. Y/N felt herself turn pink. "Haha, um, thank you, Enola. You look....
so beautiful in your dress." Y/N smiled.

They smiled at each other for a second. "KEEP MOVING, GIRLS!" A grumpy old man yelled from behind them. "Sorry!" The two of them exclaimed before continuing their search.
"There." Y/N whispered.
"Shhhh." She whispered again.

Y/N ran towards him and leapt onto his back. "BOO!" She screamed, earning rude glares and annoying grunts. "Tewkesbury gasped and spun around. "Jesus! I could have died!" He said dramatically. "Mhm, alright." Y/N said, rolling her eyes.

Enola walked towards him. "What are you doing here?" He said looking at them both in shock. "Why, if your passionate about flowers, would you come to London?" Enola asked.

"Because I can be lost here." Tewkesbury said.
"And yet, we found you." Y/N smiled.

"And why have you done so?" He questioned.
He looked between them. "You're here for the money. They've offered a reward."

"What!?" Y/N screamed. "Shhh!" An old lady grunted. "How could you ever think that?" Y/N said, fake sadly. "Now, tell me, why would we ever do that?" Y/N said before laughing.
Enola laughed. "Well, we must tie you up and claim it!" Enola said before laughing.

"Stars and garters, are you really so ridiculous?" She asked, still laughing. Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder. "We've come here because Enola has grown to like you in your absence, I already did, and as it turns out, your life is still in danger."

"What's made you like me more?" Tewkesbury asked curiously. Y/N sighed. "That's your question, not who is trying to kill me?" Y/N said nudging him in the arm.

Tewkesbury winked and smiled as he handed Y/N a beautiful pink rose. Enola watched them, the jealousy rising up in her. "Thanks." She smiled, she turned to Enola. She handed Enola the rose. "Here you go."

Tewkesbury watched them, smiling. "I knew I should've pushed you off that carriage." He whispered to Y/N. Y/N elbowed him in the stomach. "Ow!" "Shhh!" The old lady screamed.

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