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Enola and Y/N climbed down the tree and onto the ground. "Did you see anything to report to your.... employer?" The lady questioned. Enola and Y/N looked at each other. "Sherlock." Enola inhaled. " But, he'll probably want to come by."

"You don't work for Sherlock, do you?" The lady said, her brow furrowing.
Enola opened her mouth to reply. "She does." Y/N spoke. "She's an excellent detective. I'm just... helping her...?"

"Hm,"  the lady nodded. "What did you say your name was?" "May." Enola responded. Enola took off her cap and fixed her hair. "May Beatrice Posy."

"And I'm assuming you and Y/N are close in age." The lady spoke, seeing beyond the lie.
"Um-" "Stop! Stop, I can't take it. You two are terrible liars."

"We're not lying!-"
"Y/N, lower your voice at once. I may be old but I'm not daft. I would hand you both in but... I think you could be useful."

Enola and Y/N looked at each other and back at the lady. "You are young women. You will go places others won't, explore and adventure places others won't. You can be great together."

"I mean, we know Jujitsu." Enola said, patting Y/N on the arm. Y/N crossed her arms and made a fighting noise with her mouth.
"Y/N, please." The lady said. "What is.... Jujitsu?"

"It's a martial art, nana." Y/N said, rolling her eyes. "Wow, all these years and your still calling me nana. Some things never change." She spoke. She turned her attention to Enola. "You are most intriguing, Miss Posy."

Enola laughed quietly.


A little while later, the three of them were walking through the woods on a path. "Y/N never mentioned you, nana." Enola said, looking at the ground as they walked.

"Of course she didn't." She said. "Im Tewkesburys grandmother. I was the only person, besides Tewkesbury, who knew about Y/N and her mother living in the treehouse. I kept quiet, obviously."

Y/N smiled. "Thanks." Y/N nudged her arm.

"Do not touch me. Tewkesbury and Y/N were like brother and sister. Stuck together like glue, I suppose. It could get rather annoying at times. The constant bickering and teasing, especially then when Tewkesbury made Y/N cry because-"

"OKAY." Y/N said loudly, stopping her before she could finish. "I think Miss Posy, understands your point, nana."
Nana looked at Enola and winked. "I'll tell you about it later." She whispered.

The walked in peaceful silence. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Nana said, looking up at the trees in awe. "It always felt an honor to me that my family was given this part of England to protect."

"To protect?" Enola questioned.
"That is what it is to be an ancestral landowner. As the world becomes increasingly unstable, it feels important that these ideas of England are preserved for the safety and the unity of the future of our country."

"It is lovely here." Y/N nodded.

"But you girls are probably some of those new thinkers. My son was a new thinker too. Never could focus on what was, it was always what could be. I suspect Tewkesbury is the same."

Nana stopped walking and looked up at the trees. "....Englands true glory is what is." She said. Nana looked at Y/N and Enola. "Do you see?"

The two of them looked in confusion. "I can see much beauty." Enola said with a smile.
" too." Y/N shrugged.
"Very sensible answer, Miss Posy. Y/N, not so much." Nana said.

Enola chuckled. "She's always had it out for me." Y/N said to Enola.
"Go." Nana said suddenly. "If his mother or uncle finds you here, they'll have you arrested. And also, Y/N, Miss Posy, if you see my grandson before I do, will you tell him I care about him a great deal."

"And Y/N, I know I'm hard on you. I always have been. But, look how far you've come. You're a strong young lady. And by the way, you look like your mother. Beautiful."

Y/N smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. "I'll find him and I'll look after him, nana. I promise."


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