Sadie Sink imagine 15 p.3

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this doesn't even feature Sadie soooo

again was forced to write this🙃👍🏼

g!p reader obvsssssss

Millie went home the next day leaving you alone seen as your parents were out and Sadie had filming to do for her new movie.

You lied down on your bed and sighed, sex with Millie was much better than with Sadie. You closed your eyes trying to think of something to do when you got an idea.

You picked up your phone and called Millie.

'Hey Mills can i spend the night at your's?' U asked. 'Sure thing, and oh bring condoms' Millie replied. 'Ok anything for you my love' you said before hanging up.

You smiled to yourself, grabbed everything you would need including the condoms and shoved them into your bag before leaving the house and heading to Millies.

Before you could knock the door opened. 'Hi Millie' you smiled walking into her house.

'Hey, u got the condoms?' Millie asked as you both started walking upstairs.

'Of corse i do' you smirked entering her room.

You pushed Millie onto the bed, making out with her aggressively as she started un zipping your pants.

She managed to get them off and you took her's off leaving both your bottom half's naked.

You got off the bed grabbing a condom from your bag and walked back over to the bed whilst putting it on.

'You ready?' U asked as your dick hovered over her entrance. 'Yeh' she replied smiling.

You pushed into her earning a pleased sound from the smaller girl.

'Ahh' Millie moaned as she gipped your shoulders. 'Faster, faster' she said breathlessly already.

'We just started and your already out of breath?' You teased looking down at her.

'Mmmm' was all she could respond with as you pushed deeper.

'Millie what are those weird noi-' Finn, Millie's older brother said as he opened the bed room door.

'OH MY GOD NO EW NO' Finn shouted as he covered his eyes.

You pulled out of Millie and put ur pants back on, Millie doing the same.

'Finn urm' you said walking closer to him.

'Why the fuck are you fucking my sister' Finn said angrily. 'She- she' you stuttered walking back over to Millie.

'I don't care don't ever fucking touch my sister again' Finn shouted. 'FINN STOP IT WAS MY IDEA' Millie said walking over to her brother.

'What? Millie your 16' Finn said calming down a little. 'Exactly im 16 i can have sex, you do all the time' Millie replied.

'Yeh cos im 19' Finn muttered rolling his eyes. 'Oh whatever just get lost' Millie said pushing him over to the door.

'Fine fine' Finn giggled as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

'So, finish what we started?' You offered earning a nod from Millie.

i hate life.

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