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Elias, Emma and Henry arrived at a large, white house and headed through the gate and up the walkway.

Henry looked up at Elias, "Please don't take me back there," Henry said.

"We have to. I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you," Elias said.

"I don't have parents. Just a mom and she's evil," Henry said.

"Evil? That's a bit extreme isn't it?" Emma asked.

"She is. She doesn't love me. She only pretends to," Henry said.

Elias leaned down and smiled softly, "Hey, kid...we're sure that's not true," Elias said.

A woman, Regina, opened the front door, "Henry? Henry!" she rushed towards Henry and hugged him as Elias and Emma watched them, along with a man, Sheriff Graham, who stood in the doorway, "Are you okay?" Regina held his arms, "Where have you been? What happened?" Regina asked.

A woman, Regina, opened the front door, "Henry? Henry!" she rushed towards Henry and hugged him as Elias and Emma watched them, along with a man, Sheriff Graham, who stood in the doorway, "Are you okay?" Regina held his arms, "Where have you been?...

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"I found my real parent!" Henry said and ran into the house.

Regina looked between Emma and Elias, eyes landing on Elias, "Y-You're Henry's birth father?" Regina asked.

"Hi..." Elias said.

"I'll just go...check on the lad. Make sure he's alright," Graham said and walked into the house.

Regina took a deep breath and smiled at the twins, "How'd you two like a glass of the best apple cider you ever tasted?" Regina asked.

"Got anything strong?" The twins asked.


Emma and Elias were now inside Regina's house, stood in the foyer, waiting for Regina who walked in with three glasses and poured out the cider.

"How did he find me?" Elias asked.

"No idea. When I adopted him, he was only three weeks old," she handed the twins a glass each, "Records were sealed, I was told the birth father didn't want to have any contact," Regina said.

"You were told right," Elias said.

"And the mother?" Regina asked.

"There was one," Elias said.

"Do I need to be worried about her?" Regina asked.

"Nope. Doesn't even know what happened to him," Elias said.

"And she's been awol for ten years...we haven't seen her incident," Emma said and sipped her cider when Elias glared at her.

"Do I need to be worried about you, Mr Swan?" Regina asked.

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