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At the Bed and Breakfast, Henry raced down the hall to Athena and August's room, and pounded on the door.

"Hang on!" August called out from behind the door, and walked over, opening it.

Henry stepped into the room, "Athena, August, please, I need your help. Elias and Emma want to leave," Henry said.

"What?" Athena stood up as August shut the door, "Slow down," August said.

"You were gonna make them believe. You have to," Henry said.

"I know, Henry. I'm sorry. I...I failed," August said.

"It wasn't just you, August," Athena said.

"Failed?" Henry asked.

"I tried to show them. First it was my legs, and now? Now take a look, at the unvarnished truth," August said and rolled up his jacket sleeve, revealing a wooden arm.

"It's wood!" Henry said.

"Yes," August said and wiggled his gloved fingers.

"All this! I was right! The curse, it's real!" Henry said.

"You're a smart kid, Henry," Athena said with a smile.

"You're Athena," he pointed at Athena, "Adopted daughter of the woodcutter, middle triplet of Prince Charming and Prince James," he smiled, "The Lost Triplet," he thought for a moment, "The twins aunt," Henry said.

"Like I said, you're a smart kid," Athena said.

Henry looked at August, "And you're Pinocchio!" Henry said.

"What gave it away?" August questioned as he rolled his sleeve back down.

"But, why are you turning back to wood? Your story, you should be real!" Henry said.

"I'm changing back because I haven't exactly been a good boy," August got down on his knees with a struggle, "And uh, if the curse doesn't break, this doesn't stop," August said.

"So, we show the twins that you're turning back into the puppet you were, and then, they have to believe! And when they do, they could break the curse!" Henry said.

"I tried that. They don't want to see, so they don't. There's nothing more that I can do. I...I'm getting tired. It's hard to ride, it's hard to walk," Athena looked at him sadly, "Soon, it's gonna be hard to breathe," August said.

"So we have to do something fast," Henry said.

"There's nothing to do. And with what little time I have left, I want to spend it with my father and girlfriend," August said.

"Marco," Henry said.

"Told you, you're a smart kid," Athena said as August rose, and took hold of Athena's hand.

Henry looked at Athena, "What can you do?" Henry asked.

"All I have are my memories and August. I've seen my brother walking around, but I can't say anything because it'll make me sound crazy," she shook her head slightly, "I don't have anything that can be used as proof, Henry. I can talk to them, but you know the twins as well as I do...they won't believe anything they hear," Athena said.

"Athena...they're your niece and nephew," Henry said.

"I know, and I would help them if I could, but I can't. I'm sorry, Henry," Athena said.

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