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Mr Gold was in the pawnshop staring at the flame from a light when Regina came in, putting out the light.

"Regina," Mr Gold looked at her as she flipped the sign on the door to the 'Closed' side," Shall I remove some things? Make a bit of space for your rage?" Mr Gold said, noticing the angry look on her face.

Regina walked towards him, "You found that loophole in the town charter," Regina said.

"Legal documents, contracts, if you like. Always been a fascination of mine," Mr Gold said.

"Yes, you love to trifle with technicalities," Regina said.

"I like small weapons, you see. The needle, the pen, the fine point of a deal. Subtlety, not your style, I know," Mr Gold said.

"You're a bastard," Regina said.

"I think your grief's getting the better of you, Regina. Shame what happened to Graham," Mr Gold said.

"Don't you talk about him. You know nothing," Regina said.

"What is there to know? He died," Mr Gold said.

"Are you really going up against me?" Regina asked.

"Not directly. We are, after all, both invested in the common good. We're just picking different sides," Mr Gold said.

"Well, I think you picked a really slow horse this time. It's not like you to back a loser," Regina said.

"He hasn't lost yet," Mr Gold said.

"He will," Regina said.

"Never underestimate someone who's acting for their child," Mr Gold said.

"He's not his child. Not legally," Regina said.

"Oh, now who's trifling with technicalities?" Mr Gold questioned.


At Granny's diner, Henry was sat in a booth, reading a newspaper when the twins walked in, Elias sat down beside Henry as Emma sat opposite them.

"How was school?" Elias asked.

"Okay," Henry said.

"You're reading that paper pretty hard," Elias said.

"Sidney wrote it," he passed it to him.

Elias looked at the front page, seeing the article title Ex-Jailbird - Elias Swan gave up babe behind bars. Elias looked at Emma who was also looking at the front page.

"Is It a lie?" Henry asked.

Elias hesitated a little, "No," Elias admitted.

"I was given up in jail?" Henry asked him.

"Yes," Elias looked at the paper, "These records were supposed to be sealed," he looked back at Henry, "Tell me you're not scarred for life," Elias said.

"I'm not. Well, not by this," Henry said.

"Good. Then, let's through this out..." Emma took the paper from her brother, and Elias and Henry looked at her, "And we'll get our news from something more reliable. Like the internet," Emma said.

"Well, it's more reliable than Sidney," Elias commented.

"Exactly," Emma said.

"This is what I've been trying to tell you both," the twins looked at Henry, "Good can't be evil, because good doesn't do this kind of thing. My mom plays dirty, that's why you can't beat her. Ever," Henry said.

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