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A crowd was gathered around a puppet show, while they were all distracted, a young boy pickpocketed various people, going completely unnoticed.

After the puppet show, the boy emptied out the coins he had stolen onto a box, showing his parents.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Careful, careful!" Martin, the boys' father, said.

"Don't let those coins roll away," Myrna, the boys' mother, said.

"No, they might..." Martin did a magic trick, making the coin disappear in one hand, "Disappear," he made it reappear in his other hand, "Whoop, whoop, ha! Look at that!" Martin said.

The young boy pulled out a small cage with a cricket inside, "Oh, a cricket! I love crickets," The boy said.

"Crickets are trouble. Noisy bugs," Myrna said.

"But they get to do whatever they want, hopping from place to place. They're free," The boy said.

"You're free," Myrna said.

"To do what we want," Martin said.

"To be who you are," Myrna said.

"And you are who you are," Martin said.

"Well, maybe I want to be something else. Maybe I don't wanna steal. Maybe I wanna be good," The boy said.

"All that from a cricket," Martin said.

"Told ya, trouble," Myrna said.

"Good is another word for weak," Martin said.

"Let us do the thinking for you," Myrna said.

"That's what parents are for," Martin said.

"To help you," Myrna said.

"You are who you are, and there's no changing it, Jiminy. Right?" Martin said.

"Right," Jiminy, the young boy, said.

"Right. Problem solved," Martin said.

End of Flashback

Henry and Archie were in Archie's office having a session. Henry was looking at Archie, almost studying him as Archie wrote in his book.

"You weren't always a cricket," Henry said.

"I wasn't always...oh right, because um...because you think I'm Jiminy Cricket," Archie removed his glasses and looked at Henry, "Why...Why do you...Why do you think that Henry?" Archie asked.

"It's just because of who you are," Henry said.

"And who am I?" Archie asked.

"You're a conscience. You help people see right from wrong," Henry said.

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