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Inside the Dark Castle, Rumplestiltskin was spinning straw into gold as he listened to Grumpy talk about the changes with Snow White.

"The potion you gave Snow. It changed her. She's not the same," Grumpy said.

"Well, of course it changed her. It took away her love. Left a big hole in her heart," Snow White wandered around the room, "There's no cure for what she's got. The person she was, there's no way to bring her back," Rumplestiltskin walked to a cupboard and opened, where various labeled potions were stored inside, "No potion can bring back true love," he looked at the empty space, labeled with a heart, "Love is the most powerful magic of all. The only magic I haven't been able to bottle. If you can bottle love, you can do anything," he turned around and faced Snow White, "But you don't care about that, do you? Now, what is it you really want?" Rumplestiltskin asked.

Snow White looked at him, "I want your help to kill the Queen," Snow White said.

"Now we're talking, dearie," Rumplestiltskin said.

"Snow, don't!" Grumpy said.

Rumplestiltskin took a string and piece of wood, fashioning a bow out of it, "Now, what is this?" Snow White asked, interested.

"This is how you kill the Queen," Rumplestiltskin said.

"How will that help me getting into the castle?" Snow White asked.

"No, no, no. That's impossible. You'll have to kill her when she's on the move. When she's on her way to the summer palace," Rumplestiltskin magically produced a map and then indicated a location to Snow White, "Fire the arrow from this spot here and you'll be hidden from sight. An arrow fired from this bow, will get you exactly what you need. It always finds it target," Rumplestiltskin said.

"I can't stand by. If you take that weapon, you do it alone," Grumpy said.

Snow White took the bow and arrow, "That was always my plan," Rumplestiltskin giggled, "So, what do I have to do in return?" Snow White asked.

"Do? You don't have to do anything, dearie," Rumplestiltskin said.

Snow White looked at him doubtfully, "Everything comes with a price with you. Last time you took a strand of my hair. What's in it for you this time?" Snow White asked.

"Let's just say, I'm invested in your future," Rumplestiltskin said.

End of Flashback

David knocked on the door of Archie's office, and Archie answered to see him, "David. What can I do for you?" Archie asked.

"Dr Hopper, I need your help," David said.

Archie stepped aside so that David could enter the room, "Okay, what...what is it?" Archie asked.

"I've been having these blackouts and I need to remember what happened during them," David said.

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