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Prince Charming and Snow White were walking through the forest when the huntress, Helena, stepped out from behind a tree with a wolf, and Prince Charming drew his sword.

"Hm, charming," she rolled her eyes and looked at Snow White, "Hey, Snow," Helena said.

"Hey, you okay?" Snow White asked.

" good as I can be when your brother was stolen from you," Helena said, sadly.

as good as I can be when your brother was stolen from you," Helena said, sadly

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"Have you been able to see him?" Snow White asked.

"With Rumple's teachings, yes..." Helena said.

"How is he?" Snow White asked.

"Her lap dog," Helena said.

"You two are friends?" Prince Charming asked.

"Observant...anyway, what's going on?" Helena asked.

"Stealing back a ring I stole from him," Snow White said.

"Well, good luck," Helena said.

"Thanks," Helena turned to leave with her wolf, "'ll be reunited with your brother again, I'll make sure of it," Snow White said.

Helena looked at her, "You're always so kind Snow...but the Queen has her paws all over him, he'll never be back now," she inhaled deeply, "You still got the..." Snow White held up the necklace, "Good, be careful with it...I'll see you around, Snow, Princey," Helena said and walked off.

"Who's her brother?" Prince Charming asked.

"The Huntsman. She's a huntress, hence why she had a wolf with her," Snow White said and they began to walk away.

"Who's teaching her magic?" Prince Charming asked.

"Who do you think?" Snow White questioned.

Prince Charming looked at the necklace, "I thought you weren't the jewelry type. What's that around your neck?" Prince Charming asked.

"Don't worry about it," he took the necklace from her neck, "Careful!" she went to take it back but he held it up, "It's a weapon," Snow White said.

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