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Graham and Mary Margaret were sat in Mary Margaret's classroom as they talked.

"Mary Margaret, how long have we known each other?" Graham asked.

"Um..." she thought for a moment, "I don't know. A while," Mary Margaret said.

"Do you remember when we met?" Graham asked.

"Um, no," Mary Margaret said.

"Me neither. I can't remember when I met you, or when I met anyone. Isn't that odd?" Graham asked.

"I don't know. I...I suppose. I think that's just life, things get hazy," Mary Margaret said.

"Have I ever hurt you?" Graham asked.

"Oh, Graham. No, of course not. What is going on?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Do you believe in other lives?" Graham asked.

"Like heaven?" Mary Margaret questioned.

"I mean like past lives," Graham said.

"You've been talking to Henry," Mary Margaret said.

"Henry?" Graham questioned.

"Well, he has this book of stories. He's been going on about how he thinks we are all characters from them, from another land. We've forgotten who we really are. Which, of course, makes no sense," Mary Margaret said.

"Right. No, of course," Graham said.

"Graham," she leaned over, placing her hand on Graham's forehead, "You're burning up. Go home and get some rest. I think you'll feel much better after you've had some sleep," Mary Margaret said.

"Right, you're absolutely right. I'm sorry I've disturbed you. Thank you," Graham said.

"Of course," Mary Margaret said and he walked out of the classroom.


Snow White was walking along a path through the forest, accompanied by the Huntsman and Huntress, who were both dressed Black Knights.

"You know, when I was a little girl, the summer palace was my favorite place. The mountains surrounding it felt like a cradle. They always made me feel safe. I look forward to returning to it now," she noticed the Huntsman and Huntress fiddling with their armor, "Stuffy in there?" they looked at her, "Here," Snow White said as she took out two apples, and tried to hand them each one.

"No," The Huntsman said as the Huntress shook her head.

Snow White put one away and bit into the other apple as she looked at them, "You're not knights, are you?" Snow White asked.

"What makes you say that?" The Huntress asked.

"Without fail, every one of my father's knights have offered me condolences. Except you two," Snow White said.

"Please accept our condolences," The Huntsman said.

"And they all know how to wear armor. She picked the both of you to take me. Why?" Snow White asked.

"I think you know," The Huntress said.

"You're going to kill me," Snow White said.

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