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Outside Granny's Diner, Athena rode up to Granny's Diner on August's motorcycle and Elias walked out to meet her.

"You gonna come in? I thought you and August wanted that drink. Where is he?" Elias said.

"We do, but we didn't say here. Hop on and I'll take you to him," Athena said.

Elias walked towards her, "You want me to get on the back of that bike?" Elias asked as he gestured to the motorcycle.

"That's what hop on means, doesn't it?" Athena said with a smile.

"How about if we go somewhere, I drive?" Elias asked.

"How about you stop having to control everything and take a leap of faith? You owe August and me a drink, hop on. We know a good watering hole, and he's waiting for us," Athena said.

Granny was watching them and leaned on the white fence, "If you don't, I will!" Granny said.

Elias looked at Athena begrudgingly as he walked forward, taking the spare helmet, putting it on and got on the bike, and Granny smiled as they rode off.

Emma walked out of the diner and over towards Granny, "He's off," Emma said.

"Almost looked like he wasn't gonna go," Granny said.

"I'm surprised he actually did," Emma said and her phone buzzed, making her look at it then walk off.


Athena and Elias reached a well at the edge of the forest and they got off the bike as August walked around from behind the well.

"It's about time you two showed up," August said.

"He was taking his sweet time," Athena commented.

"A watering hole? Literally?" Elias questioned.

Athena got off the bike, "Well, say what you want about us. We always tell the truth," she looked at August, "Right, August?" Athena said as she walked to him.

"Right," August said.

"I always thought a drink was, like, wine or whiskey," Elias said.

"What, do you want us to get you drunk?" August asked.

"No," Elias said.

"Next time," August said.

"You're optimistic," Elias said.

August grabbed three cups from the motorcycle, "They say there's something special about this well," he and Athena walked to the well, "There's even a legend. They say that the water from the well," August drew up water from the well, "Is fed by and underground lake, and that lake had magical properties," August said.

"Magic?" Elias smiled, "You sound like Henry," Elias said and looked off to the side, hearing birds.

"Magic?" Elias smiled, "You sound like Henry," Elias said and looked off to the side, hearing birds

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