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Graham was playing darts at Granny's diner, and he threw two darts, both hitting a deer photo as Ruby was waiting tables and Sydney was sat in a booth, watching Graham.

"Nice shot, chief. I betcha twenty bucks you can't do it again," Sidney said.

Graham threw another dart, hitting the target again and turned to Ruby, "Next round's on him," Graham said and went to throw another dart when Emma and Elias entered the diner through the back, and the three of them stared at each other.

"Emma! Elias! What can I get you both?" Ruby asked.

"Nothing," The twins said and walked past Graham, towards the door.

Graham turned and threw a dart in their direction, landing between their heads, making the twins turn around, "What the hell? You could've hit us!" Emma said.

"I never miss," Graham walked towards them, looking at Emma, "You've been avoiding me...since last night when you saw me..." Graham said.

"Leaving the Mayor?" Graham looked at Elias, "And, yes, that is a euphemism. Emma told me what happened," Elias said.

"I'm not avoiding you, Graham," he looked back at Emma, "I just have no interest in having this conversation. It's your life, and I really don't care," Emma said.

"Neither of us really do," Elias said and the twins left the diner.

Graham left the diner, "If neither of you care, then why are you both so upset?" Graham asked.

"I'm not having this conversation," Elias said and walked away.

Emma turned to Graham, "I'm not upset," Emma said.

"If that were true, you'd be at the bar with me having a drink and not running away," Graham said.

"It's really none of my business," Emma said and turned to walk away.

"Look," Graham rushed around and stood in front of her, "Can we please talk about this? I need you to understand," Graham said.

"Why?" Emma asked.

"I don't know. Maybe so I can understand?" Graham said.

" You need analysis, go talk to Archie," Emma said and tried to leave.

Graham stepped in front of her, "I wanna talk to you," Graham said.

"Well, your bad judgment is your problem, not mine," Emma said.

"You don't know what it's like with her. I don't feel anything. Can you understand that?" Graham said.

"A bad relationship? Yeah. I understand a bad relationship. I just don't wanna talk about yours," Emma said and went to leave again.

Graham stepped in front of her again, "Look, I know your brother and Regina have their issues, and I know you have yours with Regina, and...and I should've told you both about that before you both took the job," Graham said.

"Yeah, why the secrecy? We're all adults. You can do whatever you want," Emma said.

"Because I...I didn't want you to look at me the way you are now," Graham said.

"Why do you care how I look at you?" Emma asked.

"Because..." Graham said.

"What?" Emma asked.

Graham kissed Emma and as soon as he does, he receives flashbacks of his life in the Enchanted Forest. He saw a wolf with two different eye colors, one red and one black, and he also saw Helena being held back with magic as she screamed.

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