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At the loft, a deadbolt on the front door slid open and August entered with a small tool in his hand, then closed and bolted the door. Athena, Elias, Emma, Nadia and Mary Margaret were inside the loft waiting for him to finish.

"No one is gettin' through that," August said.

Elias looked at him, "Wow. When are you installing the torture chamber?" Elias asked.

"You like it?" August admired his work, "I call it medieval-chic," August said.

"You like it?" August admired his work, "I call it medieval-chic," August said

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"Classy," Nadia said.

"I don't care what it looks like as long as it keeps Regina and her skeleton keys out," Mary Margaret said.

"And it will," Athena sipped her glass of water, "Right, August?" Athena said.

"You have my word," August said.

"This is pretty handy for a writer, where'd you learn to do all this?" Emma asked.

"Wood shop. Eighth grade," August said.

"Oh! Speaking of school. Have to get going," Mary Margaret said.

"Uh, are you sure you're ready to go back?" Emma asked.

Mary Margaret laughed softly, "After a stint behind bars? How tough can a room full of fourth-graders be? Besides, isn't your brother the one we need to be worried about?" Mary Margaret said as she looked at Elias.

"Me? Why?" Elias asked.

"Well, you did threaten to take Henry away from Regina," Mary Margaret said.

"Oh, that wasn't a threat. I'm hiring to Mr Gold help build a case against her," Elias said and he and Emma noticed August, Athena, Nadia and Mary Margaret share a look.

"She tried to have you framed for murder!" Emma said.

"But...Elias, you do know what happens if you win, right?" Nadia asked.

"Yeah," Elias said.

"And you're ready? To be his dad?" Mary Margaret asked.

Elias smiled, "Yeah, I am," Elias said.

Elias smiled, "Yeah, I am," Elias said

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