Chapter 1: Tutorial Complete!

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In order to take his mind off of his newfound 'power' for a while, Kiyotaka opted to take a nap inside the bus on the way to his new school. However, he also knew that this was only going to prolong the inevitable because there would be nothing that can stop this dating simulator from going nuts once he arrives at the campus.

Surely, there would be a lot of beautiful girls at school whom the dating sim can consider a 'Potential Heroine', and Kiyotaka was already dreading that possibility.

The young man himself was a calm and rational person but since this situation involved something that was completely out of his control and had no chance of manipulating to his advantage, it was starting to get to him.

Perhaps the feeling of being helpless and defeated can be considered a consolation prize?

Anyway, he wanted to enjoy his high school life, damn it! He didn't want to be a 'protagonist' or whatever status this stupid mechanic treated him as! Kiyotaka was also sure that there's a 'potential heroine' somewhere inside this bus, which made him decide to take a nap instead.

Unfortunately for him, his nap wouldn't last long with the voices that he would hear afterwards.

"Excuse me, shouldn't you offer up your seat?"

"What are you talking about, lady? Why should I offer up my seat when it's clear that I am the one using it?"

Kiyotaka tried to ignore the two voices, but also felt interested in seeing what was going on. But it also means opening his eyes and possibly causing his 'power' to activate again. He was even in a public place where he can be seen, and that scenario is bound to create some problems for him...

Oh, screw it. He'll just take a little peek at what's happening and that'll be it. Nothing more.

Opening his eyes, Kiyotaka then took a glance at the ongoing commotion that was happening behind him.

There was an office lady who appeared to be scolding a young man with slicked back blonde hair, sitting in an arrogant manner with his arms folded and his leg crossed over the other. The blonde man was wearing the same uniform as him, so he must be heading to the same school.

The office lady was standing next to an old woman. Now that he got a better look at things, it seems like the young man was being scolded for sitting on a priority seat.

"You're sitting on a priority seat, which naturally means you have to give it to the elderly. You seem like a high school student, yet you don't know such a thing?

"That guy feels like he's too prideful to even think of giving up his seat," Kiyotaka was tempted to go back to his nap now that he knew what was happening, but he ultimately decided to watch for a bit just to see where this goes.

"I don't understand. Priority seats are just priority seats, nothing more. I am under no obligation to move and because I am the one sitting here, I will choose whether to move or not. Am I supposed to give this up simply because I'm young? Ha! What nonsense," the blonde man laughed.

"W-What kind of attitude is that towards your superiors...?!"

The blonde man smirked. "Superiors? While it is true that you and that old woman have lived longer than me, you are in no way superior to me. In fact, you don't even know who I am, do you?"

"Y-You're just a high school student! Honestly, just listen to what the adults say!"

"Dearie, it's nothing big, really..." the old woman spoke in an attempt to defuse the situation, but it was no use. The office lady became angrier with every argument that was thrown towards her, while the young man continued to act arrogant without a care in the world. By now, the argument had gotten the attention of almost everyone in the bus, but it seemed like nobody wanted to intervene.

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