Chapter 17: Would You Like To Use A Cheat Code?

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There is a new poll for this fic, and it's about who gets to take Kiyotaka out on his first date. However, I will no longer accept votes here on Wattpad so if you want to vote in that poll, simply join the Discord server I'm in. The link to the server is in my profile and once you join, simply ping me and I'll direct you to the poll. With that being said, let's get on with the fic!

The next morning, before classes would begin, the various groups who spent the day before searching for a witness were gathered at the back of the classroom. Even those who didn't help in the search had joined and all of them were busily exchanging information with each other.

Hirata stood in the middle of the whole group, his eyes roaming around as he stared at the people who dedicated their time in helping to find their person of interest yesterday. It was really only supposed to be him and his other classmates who were also aware of Miyake's perspective of the incident, but they were fortunate that a few others were willing to help.

"Do we have any leads on the identity of our eyewitness, everyone?" he asked, internally praying that one of his classmates had made some progress on their end.

"Me and Kiyopon walked around the mall area yesterday, but none of the people we talked to was the witness that we're looking for," Hasebe spoke up for herself and Ayanokouji with her arms folded across her chest. She had a frown on her face, indicating that she felt frustrated about not being able to get any leads.

"We asked our teammates and a few other athletes. Got the same results," Onodera spoke with a frown of her own while Sudo nodded along in agreement.

"Me and Horikita-san asked several students around the school, but none of them was the person we're looking for," Kushida said sadly, while Horikita only shook her head.

"Same here," said Matsushita with Wang standing beside her. Both of them bore apologetic looks on their faces for not succeeding in their goal of finding a witness.

"We didn't learn a thing, either. Sorry..." Sato and Shinohara were on the same boat, shifting their gazes to the floor sadly.

"We asked the people who were right by the dormitories yesterday. None of them said they witnessed any fight that took place by the Heaven on Earth bathhouse," Yukimura explained while pushing his glasses up as Sotomura bowed his head.

"We were checking the dorm buildings too. All of the people we asked said the same thing," Ishikura explained as everyone's attention went towards her. Minami shook her head in disappointment as well.

"I see," Hirata sighed at the disappointing results of their search yesterday. However, it didn't really surprise him because he had a feeling that things wouldn't be easy for them. "In our case, Karuizawa-san and I were unable to produce results as well. We went to the bathhouse itself and the areas near it to ask the students passing by. None of them knew anything either."

Karuizawa scoffed, feeling frustrated with this turn of events. She felt that they should have gotten a reliable lead at the very least, with 8 groups working together to search the campus yesterday. "Yeah, we couldn't find anyone..."

"Sorry, Miyacchi. We couldn't find that eyewitness of ours..." The blue-haired girl turned to her friend with a sad look. Haruka couldn't even bring herself to look at him, feeling that she had disappointed Akito.

Kiyotaka stood beside her, staring at the distraught girl in concern. Feeling as if his body was moving on its own, the young man raised his hand and let it rest on his heroine's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. He even waited for a few moments for the system's overpowered skill to activate but strangely, nothing happened.

As she felt a hand touch her shoulder, Haruka turned her head to see Kiyotaka staring at her with that impassive look of his. However, she could tell that his eyes were full of concern despite his expression, and it was enough to calm her down. Haruka took a few deep breaths as she sent him a grateful smile, one that was enough to make Kiyotaka feel something weird in his chest.

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