Chapter 16: Flags over Speedruns

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Okay, first of all, I deeply apologize for the accidental publish yesterday. It was only a draft and I carelessly pressed 'publish' thinking it was 'save'. Luckily, I have now finished the chapter and it's a new record for this fic! 21,000 words. I regret nothing. :) It's also perfect timing because today is Kei's birthday! Happy birthday to our blonde gyaru and while I'm not a huge fan of her, I think she deserves to be happy with someone that is not an edgelord.

Second of all, I want to say thank you again for the 500 followers because it is a huge milestone on this site. All of you following me for this fic is just adding to my motivation. I also want to say thanks for the 5k votes! Roughly 1,200 more is needed for this fic to fully surpass PlayboyKouji, so let's make it happen! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

"So why did you want us to come here? Is it about Chabashira-sensei wanting to talk with Miyake earlier?" Kiyotaka asked, going straight to the point regarding the possible reason why Haruka wanted them to come here.

"Yeah, come on in. We'll tell you all about it."

Haruka nodded and gestured for her three classmates to step inside. As the three went inside the dorm unit, Kikyo then had a moment of realization.

"Wait, so... did Chabashira-sensei really punish Miyake-kun for something he did? A lot of our classmates were speculating about the reason why he was called to the teacher's lounge, and most of them were thinking that he did something wrong..."

"That's pretty much the gist of it..." Haruka shrugged before closing the door after all of them were inside.

"Hang on a minute... is this the reason why we haven't gotten our points for this month? Because Miyake-kun did something that Chabashira-sensei didn't like?" asked Kei, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Haruka sighed, before turning to her classmates with a pleading look on her face.

"I have no idea but please, I need you three to listen to everything that Miyacchi will say for now. Save the questions once we're done, okay?"

Kiyotaka only nodded, while Kikyo and Kei looked at each other first before muttering out, "Okay, Hasebe-san."

Haruka let out a huge sigh of relief afterwards. "Thanks for understanding."

With that, the blue-haired girl led the three further inside the dorm room where they were greeted with the sight of Sudo Ken and Onodera Kayano standing by the sliding door that led to the balcony. Aside from them, only one other person was there, and he was sitting on the bed with his head down as though he was depressed about something.

"Sudo-kun, he's here."

"Ah, Ayanokouji! Good to see you here," Ken greeted his friend with a wave and Kayano did the same.

"Sudo. Onodera. Shouldn't you two be handling club activities right now?" asked Kiyotaka, raising an eyebrow curiously at them.

"Yeah, but many members of the basketball team couldn't attend, so they just canceled our training today."

"Today's a free day for me. I was with Sudo-kun the entire time when Hasebe-san sent him a message saying she wanted him to go here."

Kiyotaka nodded after hearing those reasons. "So why are you two here then?"

"Because of him," Haruka pointed to the person sitting on the bed before tapping his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, Miyacchi. Ayanokouji-kun's here, and he brought Kushida-san and Karuizawa-san with him."

The magenta-haired student was silent for a few moments, before he spoke.

"Will he really help, though?" asked Akito, keeping his head low.

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