Chapter 23: What a Waste of Time... or is it?

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The penultimate chapter of Volume 2. Gotta say, I have to make the next volume better, lmao. This volume has been carried hard by the waifus and their interactions with Kiyo, that's it. The actual case itself is just as bad as canon, even if I changed the victim to Akito. Anyways, it's now over. We can now go back to having fun with them waifus after this.

What started out as a fairly normal hearing in the student council room quickly turned into a verbal exchange of accusations and demands as the case regarding Miyake Akito and three students of Class C continued on. Wait no, that would be quite unfair for the former when he has remained quiet the entire time, despite the continued ramblings of the opposite class.

It's more accurate to say that Komiya, Kondo, and Ishizaki have been trying to put an end to this hearing for a while now, but they were unsuccessful in that regard.

"Look! Just look at us! Look at what happened to us because of Miyake's violent attitude! I don't know why you're not punishing him yet for what he did," He peeled off the gauze that covered his cheek, exposing the scrapes underneath.

"Calm down, Komiya-kun. We are here to properly assess the situation so that the truth of the matter would come to light," Tachibana gave him the same reply that she's been telling them for a while now and if she had to be honest, she's getting tired of it.

"The truth is that he attacked us and left us in this state!"

"Control your attitude, Komiya. The more you keep on making demands like that, the more you won't get it. Let this hearing proceed like how it is supposed to," Sakagami-sensei scolded his student for speaking out of turn.

The cold look on his face was enough to silence his student, which got his fellow teacher to let out a small laugh. This caught the attention of everyone else, who were confused at why she would even laugh in the middle of a serious case.

"It's strange how your students are impatient and looking desperate to end this when they aren't even the ones being accused, Sakagami-sensei. Why the rush? We're not in a hurry to do something, are we?" the woman smirked before shaking her head in amusement.

Sakagami didn't say anything, but it was clear that he wasn't pleased with Chabashira's words.

Meanwhile, Suzune listened to their homeroom teacher's words, as she actually had the same thought in mind. She had no idea how, but she managed to keep this trial from ending until now... though it's mainly because of Class C's impatience this whole time.

"They're getting desperate now. For them to rely on getting sympathy by flaunting their injuries, it must mean that they're running out of options... or they're trying to avoid the possibility of Ayanokouji-kun bringing Sakura-san here to testify for the case."

Suzune shifted her gaze to the door. Ever since Kiyotaka left the room to find Airi, she did her best to stall for as long as she could and somehow, she managed to succeed. It also helped that Class C easily gave in to impatience and tried multiple times to convince her brother and Secretary Tachibana that since Miyake's side didn't have any witnesses, he was automatically guilty.

However, they were either rejected or ignored completely during all those instances.

Of course, that didn't mean the student council was particularly on their side. Her brother simply gave Ayanokouji a chance to bring Sakura to the hearing so she could testify for the case, and that's why she was hoping that her classmate was successful in his endeavor. She had no clue how much time was left, but she was sure that her brother was counting in his mind.

"Have you nothing else to show everyone here, Class D?" Manabu spoke up after being silent for a while. "I have already given your classmate ample time to bring your so-called 'witness' here, but I see that he has not returned yet. As of now, I am inclined to side with Class C, seeing that you and your classmates are unable to show us any proof that Miyake-kun is innocent."

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