Chapter 9: The Calm Before The Storm?

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The week flew by and before they knew it, everything was almost back to the way it was. Why 'almost'? It's because after the big revelation dropped on them by their homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei, a lot of changes happened within Class D.

Everyone started listening more attentively during discussions. There were times when one or two people would do the opposite and attempt to fall asleep or do something else, but they would get scolded or smacked in the head right away.

Of course, the sole exception to this was Koenji. The man was capable of doing whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants, and none of them would be able to scold or even speak out against him. That being said, he did seem to understand that in order for their class to not go any lower than they already are, he acted like an attentive student... somehow. Regardless, it was enough to calm his classmates' nerves and assure them that he knew how to hold himself back..

While the class was managing to prevent a further decrease in their points, they still had no idea how they could increase their points as a class. After Chabashira-sensei told them about the issue regarding the school and its class hierarchy and chewed them out for being failures, she went back to normal and acted as if nothing happened. Every time someone would ask her how they could increase their points, their teacher would only apologize and say that the answer can't be disclosed to students.

Regardless, they were making good progress for a class that almost drowned in chaos a few days ago. That day, almost everyone got humbled by Chabashira-sensei and made them realize that this wasn't anything like your typical high school. It made them realize that their life here won't be one that's filled with luxury.

Despite their efforts in becoming a better class so far though, there is one remaining dilemma that they would still have to deal with when it arrives.

As lunch break began, Hirata quickly stood up and faced his classmates.

"Chabashira-sensei mentioned that the midterm exams are coming up soon. Remember that if you fail an exam, you'll be expelled. I don't want that scenario to come to fruition, so I think it would be a good idea to form study groups in order to prepare for it."

Everyone had their attention directed towards him as they listened to his plan of action.

"Neglecting your studies will get you a failing grade and be expelled. I'm sure none of you want that to happen, right? Furthermore, studying won't just prevent expulsion; I have a feeling that it may also help us earn points. If we receive high marks in our midterms, our class's assessment should also improve. I've asked some of the students who scored high on the test to help in tutoring those who need it. So, I would like the people who are experiencing difficulties in any of our subjects to approach me or any of the tutors. Everyone is welcome to, of course."

The blonde teen walked up to the blackboard and wrote the names of the tutors for everyone to see. Yukimura, Horikita, Wang, Kushida, and Hirata himself were the designated people who would be helping their classmates.

Hirata asked the other four earlier this morning if they would be willing to help out their classmates who are in need of guidance when it came to their different subjects. He was honestly surprised that Horikita actually accepted the task of being a tutor, because she blatantly refused to help out in the class discussion that happened a few days ago.

He wondered if something happened to her that caused her to change her stance about the class because according to her, helping out would have been 'a waste of time'.

Well, never mind. Hirata wasn't going to waste time thinking about it. He wouldn't complain about this turn of events either. After all, the more students who are willing to cooperate, the higher their chances of pulling this off without problems.

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