Chapter 21: This Case is Taking Forever!

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The following day, which was a Sunday, Kiyotaka felt strangely motivated to do something that he can waste his time on. He had woken up from a particularly relaxing sleep, which was actually the seventh consecutive day that this happened, outside of when he woke up and saw that Ichika had been watching him sleep prior to it.

However, knowing the system, it's only a matter of time where it decides to mess with him again. There's no way that this string of good things is happening without some kind of consequence in the end. He was already preparing for it as early as now so when it comes, he wouldn't be caught off guard like he had been several times in the past. Example being? When he was asked by Yosuke to be Kei and Airi's tutor for the midterms.

Only one day remained before the scheduled hearing between Miyake and the three students of Class C, and if a certain someone had not spoken up about her possible contributions to the case, then Class D would have most likely lost the whole thing entirely. They would be one classmate less with Miyake being expelled as a result, and that is if Kiyotaka decided not to rely on his trump card which was in the hands of his chaotic roommate.

However, because Sakura Airi finally decided to admit that she had an involvement in the whole affair as its witness, Class D had no reason to worry anymore. As an added assurance, she even had a video file that showed everything that happened. Well, not exactly everything, but she managed to record the important part which was the fight itself and the people who were truly at fault.

Kiyotaka felt that he could just spend the whole day resting within the confines of his dorm unit, since their problems have already been solved with Airi's choice to present evidence and testify on behalf of Akito. However, he knew that there's no chance of that happening because he had an agreement with a select few people yesterday that they would be meeting with Chabashira-sensei in order to inform her about what Airi knew.

Well, he still had time before that happens at least... which is why the first thing he did after waking up was brew a quick cup of coffee and toast a few bread slices as a light breakfast. When Ichika woke up from her slumber not too long after, she was surprised that he was already awake because of how much he liked to sleep.

"You're awake earlier than usual, senpai. Do you have any plans today?" she asked him.

"Is it a bad thing for me to be up earlier than you, Amasawa?"

"No, but as far as I know, you'd never pass up on the opportunity to sleep if it's right in front of you, senpai~

After telling her that he was planning to have a little walk around campus for a morning exercise, Ichika quickly asked if she could come along, which he answered with a shrug.

Although, he did tell her that he wouldn't wait for her very long because sooner or later, a few of his classmates will ask him to join them in meeting up with their teacher. He wanted to have as much time to himself before that happens.

That was all that Ichika needed to hear. She quickly got off the bed and joined him for breakfast, not wanting to miss out on the opportunity to spend more time with her senpai on a weekend.

Kiyotaka took a quick shower after eating (surprisingly, Ichika was still embarrassed about the time that they took a bath together so she didn't go about with her usual shenanigans), before putting on a nice pair of blue track pants and a loose shirt. He then waited for her to be finished preparing, which took about ten minutes before joining him at the door as they left together.

For the next hour, the two went on a walk around the campus, working up a sweat and taking in the morning air. There weren't many people around yet because it was still very early in the morning, letting them do as they wished without any inconvenience.

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