Chapter 20: It's About Damn Time!

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Oh no, some people hate Airi?! This volume is taking too long?! Too bad, you're gonna get more Airi because I say so! No one's gonna stop me from giving this girl a happy ending. There have been too many fics where she is done dirty, but this isn't one of them! Those people probably hate Airi and at the same time, simp for Fuuka. If you're not down with that, then you can kiss my ass or leave this fic for good.

Oh, and this fic actually has a TVTropes page now. Nice.

It was a fine Saturday afternoon, with the skies clear and the sun shining in the sky. It was also the perfect time for someone to rest and recuperate, especially for those students who were busy during the whole week for various reasons. They had two whole days to themselves wherein they could do what they wanted, without having to worry about schoolwork at all.

Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the case for Kiyotaka, who was at Keyaki Mall at the moment while waiting for someone to arrive.

Dressed in a white shirt, a green jacket, blue pants, and sneakers, Kiyotaka sighed to himself.

For someone who was severely lacking in free time and mostly spent the weekends getting as much rest as he could, he wouldn't be able to enjoy the warm comfort brought by his bed and room until later this evening. But then again, he had a roommate who may or may not be annoying towards him later, so that's gonna be put on hold...

Anyway, the reason why he was here when he could have spent the whole day resting in his dorm was because of a certain someone who invited him to meet here today. No, there was no possible way for him to refuse her without making her sad, so he was doomed from the start anyway. It's fine, though. A little trip to the mall shouldn't be that tiring and surprisingly, he was actually looking forward to this.

Spotting a nearby bench, he walked over to it and sat down to rest his legs. He was about ten minutes earlier than their expected meeting time, which was still a respectable time for arriving; he wasn't too early that he would get bored the whole time, and he wasn't too late that his companion would be angry with him for making her wait too long.

Hearing his phone ring once in his pocket, Kiyotaka brought it out and saw that the person who was supposed to be with him today had left her home and was now on her way to the mall where he was.

Heh. That person must have spent some considerable time to make herself look good for their little outing. After all, she did think of this as a date, even though they were only going to walk around and search for the witness to Miyake's case.

He didn't consider this a date by any means, despite having no prior experience going on one in the past. Kiyotaka simply felt that a date between two people should be special and should not involve anything irrelevant so as to not ruin the experience. Right now, their class was going through a major problem that they couldn't afford any distractions.

However, his companion would just smile and think otherwise, and he could tell that's what her expression was when they talked over the phone last night.


When he got home after the complicated conclusion to Ichinose's planned rejection, he was greeted with a hug by his roommate before she asked how his day went. Surprisingly, Ichika didn't follow him around today and she wasn't even in the classroom for the duration of school hours.

Maybe she was too embarrassed about what happened when they took a bath together. However, it's pretty hard to imagine Amasawa being flustered because of how she usually is.

Anyway, after a relatively normal dinner, the two residents of Unit 401 took a shower (separately this time) and prepared to call it a day. However, Kiyotaka would then receive a call while he was reading a book, prompting him to check who it was.

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