Chapter 5: The Genre is Ecchi!

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"Can you just tell me where you're taking me?" Kiyotaka asked the person who was with him today, Suzune, as she dragged him by the arm through the campus grounds to who-knows-where.

Last night, Suzune told him through a text that he should get ready for school earlier than usual, because she had something important to talk to him about. He was curious what it was about, but didn't ask her regarding it because it might annoy her. He would simply find out the next day.

Kiyotaka wasn't prepared for Suzune to grab his arm and drag him to the elevator, before they left the dorm building as if nothing else mattered. He couldn't even tell her that they should be waiting for Kikyo, because the girl looked like she wasn't even paying attention to him. It's like her mind was focused on something else entirely...

"No. You'll know when we get there," she said in a firm tone, making it known that her stance won't change.

Even after a week, Suzune still hasn't been able to buy him ice cream like she promised herself. She tried multiple times to ask him but somehow, she was always interrupted by something or someone. Last Wednesday, after they got back to the dorms where no one could possibly interrupt them, Kiyotaka excused himself and went back to his room because of a sudden stomachache. She didn't bother waiting for him to finish and simply went back to her room, accepting defeat.

There was also this past Friday, when she tried to ask him to go with her to the mall first, before buying him some ice cream later. However, that plan also went up in smoke when they encountered Matsushita there and asked what they were doing at the mall, before asking if she could come with them. Since she couldn't reveal the truth to their classmate, Suzune had no choice but to lie and say that she only wanted to check out what the place had to offer.

Suzune groaned.

Seriously, how difficult could asking Kiyotaka out for some ice cream be?

And so, today, Horikita Suzune decided that enough was enough and decided to simply drag her classmate all the way to the ice cream stall where they went during their first day. The same idea she had during the club fair last week.

"That doesn't seem fair," he argued.

"Life itself isn't fair."

Kiyotaka sighed in defeat. It's clear that she wasn't going to budge. All he could do right now is accept his fate and hope that this doesn't lead to anything bad.

"Okay, point taken. Could you at least stop dragging me by the arm? It hurts," he asked.

"We're nearly there, Ayanokouji-kun. Bear with it."

"Some heroine you are. This isn't how you should treat your significant other," he rolled his eyes quietly before deciding to bring up an important matter. "Did we really have to leave Kushida behind for this? We could have let her come along since we go to school together everyday, anyway."

The girl shook her head. "No. Kushida-san cannot be involved. This is between the two of us."

"Whatever you say. If she becomes upset because we left her behind, then you should be the one to explain why," he told her. For once, he wasn't going to do anything about this if it got out of hand. He didn't even do anything that would make this his fault, and even the system knows it. "Although it likely wouldn't do anything since Kushida hates you..."

"I will," said Horikita, although it can be seen that she didn't really care about Kushida and what she would feel about being left out.

As he got dragged by the clearly-frustrated Suzune to who-knows-where, Kiyotaka safely retreated into his thoughts.

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