Chapter 19: Attack From The Other Side!

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Kiyotaka had no idea if he should be grateful that their class was going through a complicated time right or not. On one hand, this whole issue made everyone busy trying their best to help Miyake through his dilemma, including his heroines. This, in turn, also caused his heroines to be busy enough that they weren't around him all the time. Sure, they can still be attached and clingy while they were in school but apart from that place, they were more focused on helping their classmate with his case. Because of that, he had not been subjected to any headache-inducing moments for the past few days.

Then again, a couple of 'Special Events' had been triggered within that time. A new heroine route had also been 'unlocked' for him in Himeno Yuki as well. And if that's not enough, the system's overpowered skill had activated yesterday when he caught a glimpse of Airi crying while she was outside the classroom.

But somehow, despite those things, he didn't feel as overwhelmed as he used to be a month ago. The system was actually pushing him into a dark place back then and made him contemplate the suicide route but miraculously, he didn't feel that way recently. At least after Amasawa came into this school and became his roommate through the system's intervention.

Maybe he was actually starting to adapt to the craziness that his dating sim power brought into his life?

On the other hand, because of this ongoing issue, they weren't given their allotted points for this month. While he had plenty of private points for himself, it would still be reassuring to have their points for this month to be delivered properly. Not just for him, but for his classmates too. They were also at risk of having one of their classmates expelled, which will obviously end badly for their class should it happen.

"Rise and shine, senpai~ You don't wanna miss school for the day, do you?" the familiar voice of Amasawa Ichika filled his ears, causing him to stir awake.

"I wish I could," he let out a sigh as he opened his eyes, where he was met by the mischievous look on his roommate's face. She was hovering over him, their faces only inches away from each other.

It took some effort for Kiyotaka not to push the girl away from him. Thankfully though, it's only her head that's above him and not the rest of her body. She wasn't lying on top of him like what he first thought. Instead, she was kneeling beside the bed while leaning over to make it look like she was right above him.

If it had been the other position, then it would be quite the dangerous scenario for both parties involved. It's also a good thing that they were both fully clothed. Anyway...

"Good morning, senpai!" Ichika greeted him happily, not even minding the close proximity between them.

"Why are you so close to me?" he asked in his usual deadpan tone.

"I just wanted to see you up close when you wake up, hehe~" she chuckled before moving away from him, which was probably a wise choice to make because Kiyotaka didn't seem pleased with her action just now.

"If you've been watching me sleep for an hour or so, then I'm adding 'respecting personal space' to the list of rules that you have to follow," he shook his head before sitting up on the mattress.

"How rude, senpai. I'm not that bad to disrespect your personal boundaries, you know? You already told me how important it is to you, and I respect that." Ichika pouted at him momentarily, before letting out another chuckle. "But if you must know, I woke up approximately two minutes ago when your alarm clock went off. I wanted to wake you up myself since I woke up before you did, senpai."

"Fine, but don't do it again. I don't appreciate you being so close to my face like that," he scolded her. At least Amasawa still has some basic decency to not act like an unhinged stalker who watches his every move.

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